Chapter 35

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Jemma's Pov:

Ask me to stay I begged silently while I grabbed the handle. The door to the hall opened about 4 inches before Michael's hand slammed it shut.

He stepped back a few inches and I turned to look at him over my shoulder.

"What?" My voice was hoarse from all the emotions running through me.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Jems what was I supposed to think? You go to a sex shop with him. We have our first all out argument and when I get up you're gone. Come to find out you were at his house all night and he drove you to school this morning where you two confess your endless love for each other and then make out?!?!"

He sighed in frustration. "Then when I walk in the first thing I hear is you talking about leaving campus with him and then he makes that pass at you in front of me. How am I supposed to act? What am I supposed to think? Hell I still don't even understand what the hell happened last night. Everything was fine until you flipped out. I really don't even get it. Until I find out everything today. It makes total sense now. You picked a huge fight over ice cream with me and then wait until I'm asleep so you can sneak out to meet him and y'all weren't even discreet! Hell the only way you could have been crueler was if you had announced it over the intercom that you were cheating and regret marrying me."

I listened to his little speech and unfortunately it did nothing to relieve my achy heart.

 I walked to his desk and perched on the end, taking a second to gather my thoughts. I took out my phone and sent a quick text to Robby asking if it was okay to reveal his secrets.

Seconds later my phone buzzed with his answer. I put my phone down and finally leveled my stare to my untrusting husband.

"Sit down." I demanded quietly.

He nodded and moved to sit next to me. I shook my head and pointed to the sofa a few feet away.

I blew out a breath a chuckled without any humor. "You're gonna feel like a real asshole when I finish telling you everything."

He started to open his mouth to talk but I spoke over him.

"No I listened to you without interrupting. Now you're gonna shut the hell up and listen." I snapped. I waited until I was sure he would comply and began.

"I admit that I over reacted last night BUT look at it from my point of view. I've asked you repeatedly to treat me like an equal but you don't. This was just the latest thing. I was out of my mind, worried that you would be disgusted with me for some of the things I wanted to try. But if you had just talked to me I could have avoided that worry. That's not even the main issue. I get so tired of you constantly telling me you 'wont pressure me into anything' I understand what you're saying but come the hell on. You're only 4 years older then me and in the time that we've known each other when have you ever seen me allow someone pressuring me to get to me?"

"It makes me feel like you think I'm a weak willed person that would blindly follow. If that's how you see me, you obviously don't know me very well. Back to the sex stuff. How do you think it makes me feel to think that you're holding back on your desires and fantasies? That right there is what makes me nervous because sex isn't everything in a marriage but it is important and if you cant explore your sexuality or say 'Hey Jems how about we try anal or role play' then how are we going to keep that aspect of our marriage healthy?"

I gave him a second to process that then continued with my cool detached voice. "Now on to the PMS crack. Seriously offensive. Why is it that men always assume that if a woman is pissed off it must be PMS? Like you couldn't possibly conceive in that brain of yours that you may have been the cause of the 'irritability' But lastly why in the hell did you have Midol? I could have started jumping to conclusions that you were cheating but I didn't question your fidelity. I had faith in you that you obviously lack in me."

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