Chapter 9

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Jemma's Pov:

When we got back from our morning run Skip had breakfast waiting for us.

"So Skip what's the occasion? You never cook. Are you dying?" Michael joked.

"Oh ha ha. Actually I am dying....from happiness!! Congrats on finally dropping the L bomb guys!!" He leaned over the table and pulled us into a group hug.

"You guys were loud last night. I got a little worried when Mike said break up, but Jems jumped in and saved the day!" He ruffled my hair then grimaced and wiped the sweat on his pants.

I shrugged it off cause hello he knew we just worked out, it's his own fault he touched my sweaty nappy hair.

"If y'all are that loud just talking I can just imagine how loud your sex is. If y'all wanna get frisky while I'm here just give me a heads up so I can go outside or maybe a town over so I don't hear!" He laughs at his own joke.

"So what are your plans for today bro?" Michael asks steering the subject away from sex.

"I'm gonna go for a jog, maybe go see an early movie then go bug Notta at lunch. Then I thought maybe I'd hang with you and watch you do your part to mold the young minds of our future leaders."

Michael shrugged his shoulder. "Okay but no hitting on my students! I mean it. No Crazy comments or jokes about me in class. " Michael looks at him pointedly "And No calling Jems muffin butt!"


I was standing at my locker admiring my wrapping job. I did a kick ass job considering I did it in my car. Someone jumped on me. 

WTH. The wrapped picture frame flew out of my hands from the force. Luckily it landed in my locker instead of the floor. So it didn't break.

I turned to the culprit.

"Dammit Tina, a little warning next time babe!"

"Sorry doll. Hey what's that?" She asked pointing to the gift.

I smiled "Oh, that's just something for Michael. So what's up my sister from another mister?"

"Nothing, just the usual. Dude 1st period is gonna totally blow without you. Who am I gonna screw up the cakes with? What elective did you end up switching to?" She whined and pouted causing me to laugh. I love my drama queen!

"Oh I'm gonna be Mr Jenkins aid" I said happily

"Wow... You got him a lot. Hmm I hope your Michael doesn't get jealous that you're spending so much time with your hot young teacher." She said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Trust me, he's not jealous." I laughed.

The bell rang and I shoved Michael's gift into my backpack. I'll give it to him after class.

I walked in "Good morning Jemma" Michael said in his teachers tone

"Good morning Sir. Where do you want me?"

I meant where should I sit since I was his aid this period but the words made me think back to our conversation about the wall.... I felt my cheeks burn. 

I looked down to hide my blush. Bad Jemma. No naughty thoughts in class!

"I had an extra chair brought to my desk. You'll be sitting there with me." Michael said with a knowing grin.

The class passed with him lecturing and giving examples to the students. I played on his computer and organized his desk.

The bell rang and I watched everyone leave. I pulled his gift out of my bag and handed it to him.

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