Chapter 27

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Jemma's Pov:

After a few laps in the pool I was cooled off enough for my brain to function properly. I floated on my back while Michael did more laps.

So much was happening so quickly. I've been thinking about quitting The Zone. After the baby comes and I start college I just wont have time to work there. Maybe once in a while if they get in a jam but not full time.

We've already hammered out all the wedding plans and I found a wedding dress online that was perfect. So all I have to do is get the right size but I'm going to wait until a couple of weeks before the wedding so there's less chance of me out growing my dress.

The house is perfect, even the wall colors are good. It's completely move in ready. The only thing I wanna change is the color for the baby's room but it'll have to wait until we find out if we're having a boy or girl.

I've been thinking about school and I know the smart thing to do is finish early but now that it's happening I really don't want to.

Maybe I can talk to Sully after I take the tests and even though I'm finished with the core classes I could just take electives all day. That way if it did come out that Michael and I are together it shouldn't cause as much drama. Right?

Michael swam up next to me. "Something wrong Love?"

"No I was just thinking about things. I've decided that I'm gonna quit the club. It isn't really feasible after I have Squishy and start college."

"I know how much that place means to you Jems. We'll figure it out so you can still work there. You can go to school during the day and work at the club at night. I'll stay home with the baby after I get out of work."

I shook my head. "No between classes and the club I'd only have a few hours with you and Squishy and that's not good enough. I'll just fill in when they're short once in a while or when Pop's and Mummy go out of town. The club is important but you and our baby are more important."

"You really are an amazing woman. I love ya sweetheart."

We floated to the shallow end of the pool and I sat on the steps. "Tell me what else is on your mind love." Michael said sitting next to me.

"What do you think about me staying in school after I finish my tests? I was thinking about everything and I kinda want to stay. I know the longer we're together and I'm your student the riskier it is. So I was thinking I'd still take the exams and after I pass. You wont be my teacher for anything but when I'm your aid and that is just a pass/fail elective. But I don't want to cause you your job so I want your opinion."

He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm. "Sweetheart whatever makes you happy. Yes it's risky but we're not doing anything illegal so the only thing we're risking is my job. Jobs come and go and even if I lost this one there are other options out there. We'll just have to hold off on the PDA for a few extra months."

I kissed his cheek and dragged him up. "Lets go home. I'm hungry and hopefully Skip will be there. I missed the goofball."

"You want to pick something up or you want me to make you something?" Michael asked as we pulled out of our new driveway.

"How about Pizza? With sausage, extra mushrooms and pickles on it. Oh and see if they can use bbq sauce instead of regular pizza sauce."

Michael laughed. "Ok so I'll order a pregnant girl special and a plain peperoni for me."

We got home and Michael placed our order while I unlocked the door. We walked in and I smiled at the sight of Skip and Tina all curled up asleep on the couch.

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