Chapter 12

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Jemma's Pov:

I was taken in a separate car then the guys. Okay Jemma think!

First of all don't say anything! You know your rights.

 Not a word until you have a lawyer present and have had your phone call. 

I'll call Pops about finding a good lawyer to fight this bogus crap.

Ughh how could they believe that psycho? 

I don't have to worry about the boys.

 Hell they could talk circles around the idiots that arrested us.

The arresting officer led me to a little interview room where another officer, obviously a detective waited to take my statement.

"I'm detective Sanchez, I'm here to hear your side of the events that took place and led to you being arrested. Would you care to explain?" He asked me in a bored tone.

"Nope." I said popping the P.

"No?" He clarified.

"I'm not saying a word until I have my phone call and my lawyer is present." I stated firmly.

He did a double take at that.

 Yeah mister I bet you don't see many teens say that.

"You know things tend to go easier on a perp if they comply and answer our questions." He said condescendingly.

I snorted.

 He wants to start throwing attitude my way. That's fine with me. 

I grew up in law enforcement and badges don't intimidate me.

"Look Detective don't patronize me. I know how the law works and I've done absolutely nothing wrong. In fact your idiot patrol man arrested the wrong people. It should have been the older female arrested for harassment and trying to hit me. However once my lawyer has this all settled I'll accept an apology and be done with it."

I smiled politely and sat back in my chair. The picture of ease. Someone who doesn't have anything to be concerned about.

He glared at me. "Looks like you've had plenty of run ins with the law. Look kid, I honestly don't care that you think you're innocent. You're obviously not or you wouldn't be here. That being said you wont get an apology from anyone in my department. We're the law and the law doesn't make mistakes."

I laughed at that. "We'll see detective. Don't presume to know anything about me. Just because I don't cower before your oh so lofty little badge does not mean I've been in trouble with the law. Quite the opposite in fact. And trust me when I say I'll be having a nice chat with your chief about this department's total disregard for innocent until proven guilty. Now that's all I have to say. I'm done talking until my lawyer arrives. Please be a dear and give me my one phone call, would ya, you Judge Dredd wanna be."

"Fine since you wont cooperate I'll have you put in a holding cell. Enjoy your time with us." He sneered in a smart ass tone.

Before he could lead me away there was a knock on the interview door. "Enter" he yelled.

It was the idiot that arrested us. I scowled at him. I had an almost overwhelming urge to take his baton and pop him one good time to his knees.

"Excuse me Detective. Umm there seems to have been a mistake." he tugged at his collar nervously.

"You see sir, umm some evidence has come to light that uhh... Seems to suggest that the young lady here was umm actually the uhh victim. The two males with her were uhh trying to protect her and diffuse the situation."

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