Chapter 32

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Jemma's Pov:

"No Mike, you're using the damn crutch and that's the end of it!" I growled at my stubborn ass husband.

We have to be at school in 20 minutes and he's arguing about not using his crutches at school.

"Love, stop worrying, I'll be fine. I'll just hobble around or have my favorite aide do all my fetching." He sent me a dazzling smile.

"Not gonna work buddy boy. You are using these crutches or I swear you wont get any for a month!"

He narrowed his eyes "You wouldn't..."

"Bet your cute crippled ass I'd hold out"

"Fine, but just so you know that is playing dirty" He whined petulantly rolling his eyes at me.

I laughed at his grumpy face as he grabbed the crutches from me. "Yeah, yeah, cry me a river, build a bridge and then get over it. It's for your own good babe."

He glowered at me playfully. "Fine but you know if I'm holding my crutches how in the world will I take a leak? Guess my aide will have to help me with the zipper and since you're already down there..."

"Oh hush pervo. No naughty nurse fantasies until school is over." I gave him a quick kiss and grabbed our school things.

Michael headed straight for his class even though the bell doesn't ring for about 10 minutes. 

It'll take him that long to get there and get situated. Tina rode with us and we waited at our lockers for Robby Pop.

"Dude, how was Arkansas Bub?" Tina asked as he walked over to us.

He got a horrified look on his face then glanced around quickly. "I'm pretty sure I've mentioned at least a million times not to say anything about me having family from there. Ughhh if word gets out, people with think I'm an inbred hillbilly." He hissed still watching that no one was near enough to hear.

We giggled and caught up for a few minutes. I noticed that he keep shooting me weird looks and that amazingly enough hasn't said one word about either of our pregnancies.

"Tina filled you in on what happened didn't she?" I guessed aloud.

He nodded and gave me a sympathetic smile. "I'm so sorry Jems."

He pulled me into a gentle hug and I'm ashamed to admit, that my eyes misted a little.

I pulled back and playfully swatted his arm. "I'm sad but I'll deal. I think it would have been worse if I'd been further along. Have you seen Michael yet?"

He shook his head and I smiled. "Well since you two have a bromance going on, maybe you should be saving your hugs for him. He's jacked up something severe! And that stubborn ass was trying to pull the whole macho man, me Tarzan crap and not use his crutches! Ughh men! I had to threaten to ground him to get him to see reason."

Tina and I giggled and Robby looked confused. "Ground him from what?.....OOOOHH that's just plain mean! Haven't you heard of blue balls? I'm pretty sure that's like a real thing."

The bell rang and I headed to my first class with Michael. He was standing at the board writing and I rolled my eyes. I walked up to him and faced the board so no one could see what I was saying.

"Ughh do you have to be so damn pig headed. The doctors said to stay off your leg and that if you had to be up to use your god damn crutches." I hissed with my hands on my hips ready to pop him up side his stubborn thick skull.

He chuckled and turned to face me.

"That is so not what he said. I think I'd have issues if he was unprofessional enough to use profanity with a patient."

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