Chapter 8

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Jemma's Pov:

I was running late today. 

There really was no excuse for it other then my own impatience. I left home a few minutes earlier then I usually do so I could stop at Walgreens for picture reprints.

Last night we looked at our gigantic stack of pictures and I found one I loved. So I decided to get a blown up copy of it for our home.

I also found a great picture of me and Michael kissing. The best part is you cant tell it's me at all. I'm going to get that one in a 5x7 in a pretty frame for his desk.

Hmm I just realized I'm being territorial.

 Not like crazy psycho possessive but I like knowing that there will be proof he has a special someone. Maybe it'll make the hoochies back off..... 

Yeah doubt that.

I walk into first period 15 minutes before its over. I'd already been to the office and gotten a pass because I got a "flat tire" this morning.

I walk in quietly so I don't disrupt class and hand my pass to Mrs. Green. Of course she couldn't just leave it alone. I mean I was already excused so she couldn't give me a detention. 

But nooo she was one of those bitter middle aged women that hated every girl that was younger or prettier or thinner or smarter. 

Basically she hated every female under the age of 50.

"Hmm, care to explain your complete lack of manners and discipline? Your tardiness shows you place my class so low on your priority list as to not even be granted the importance of actually making it on time!" She yelled at me in front of the entire class.

I'm gonna be good. I'm not going to fall for it.

 She's just trying to bait me so I'll give her a reason to write me up.

 Be good Jems.

"I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean by that" I said in my most good girl tone.

"I'm not surprised you don't. You know the only way to improve your ignorant state is to actually come to school. I doubt that you actually had a flat tire. More like you were too busy with one of the boys you spend all your time with. It's loose girls like you that make the teen pregnancy rate so high in our fair state. You'll never amount to anything if you live your life the way you have been. By showing up when ever you feel the urge instead of on time you make a mockery out of our school system young lady! I know your mother very well and I can bet she's ashamed of you and your total disregard for hard work and punctuality! In fact I do believe I'll call Terri and inform her of the oblivious need to discipline you!"

I stood there through her rant politely listening to her imply that I'm stupid and skip school to whore around until she said that bitches name. 

Game on hoe!!

I snorted "Yeah I'm going to cut you off right there. I haven't missed a day of school yet that wasn't necessary. I wasn't trying to imply that your class was unimportant by being late. Believe it or not once I step out of that door you no longer register. So why would I go out of my way to be rude to you? However now that you mentioned it, your class is actually pointless. I never thought about it before but thank you for bringing that to my attention. As for you trying to imply that I'm stupid. Check your facts lady! My GPA is 3.8 and I've already been excepted to schools most people can never even aspire to. Yourself included . I have 4 extras I've been in since freshman year as well as a full time job where I make about double the salary that you do. So don't you dare take your bitter self hatred out on me! It's not my fault you're middle aged and have absolutely nothing in your life of any value. Maybe if you were a nicer person you might have friends instead of just your cats! Hell if you were a decent human being you might have actually found someone willing to love you that didn't require batteries! Lastly if, when or whom I sleep with is none of your concern and shows an enormous lack of tact on your part to assume that because I have friends of the male gender I must be sleeping with them!"

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