Chapter 10

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Jemma's Pov:

"What!" Tina gasped out

"Why would you do that? You love him!" She screamed.

I ignored her, staring at Michael feeling my heart being ripped to shreds.


He sounded so gutted and his eye's glistened. 

I began to cry harder. 

I wanted to explain that the last thing I wanted to do was hurt him. I was doing this to protect him but I couldn't make my voice work. 

It hurt me that I was hurting him. Not like I'm just sad but like actual real physical pain.

He tilted my face up so he was staring into my eyes. "Do you love me?" he asked softly.

I cleared my throat. "Of course I do! But-"

He cut me off placing a finger to my lips. "No buts. Just yes or no." He brushed tears from my cheeks. 

That little sign of affection brought on a fresh batch of free flowing tears that made it difficult to speak.

I nodded my head yes.

"And you know that I love you. So Why?" He asked leaning his forehead against mine.

"I'm doing this to protect you!"

He laughed humorlessly. "Jemma, I've been stabbed, shot and spent over 3 months as a P.O.W. being interrogated and when I say interrogated I mean tortured to the point that I routinely prayed for death. I've dealt with people that make Hitler seem like Mr. Rogers. So hear me when I tell you that I do not need you to protect me. I love you and as long as you love me back. I see no reason to throw away what we have. Because what we have is special and doesn't come around very often. So when it does you grab on and treasure it! Whatever you're worried about protecting me from we'll face together and overcome it."

He caressed my cheek and kissed me tenderly "Whatcha say Love? You with me?"

I jumped up and threw my arms around his neck. Hooking my legs around his waist I kissed him fiercely. Putting all my love into that kiss.

We broke apart because Skip and Tina were clapping loudly and simpering on about how beautiful that was.

"Now Baby-doll, mind telling me what your mini break down was about?" Tina asked wedging herself between Michael and I and pulling me to the couch.

I sighed. "Tina if you saw all that, what's to say everyone else hasn't figured it out yet? Michael could get in serious trouble if people found out about us!"

She threw her head back and laughed like a hyena. "Is that all? I swear girl! For a smart person sometimes you are soooo dumb!"

Everyone laughed a little at her attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

I raised a brow "How am I dumb?"

She rolled her eyes "Jems we've known each other since we were sperm droplets in our daddy's sacks. Oh well never mind that since we just found out ya gotta different daddy but you get the point. We've always done and shared everything with each other. Hell we showered together for years. So I'd say we're pretty god damn close. You're not my best friend or even my sister. You are a part of me. My other half in a totally straight way! Of course I would notice things about you that no one else does. Like falling in love with your Michael. I've never seen you as happy as you've been since you met him." She said pulling me into a side hug.

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