Chapter 15

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Jemma's Pov:

Tonight is Halloween and I'm setting up for the Spooktacular Party at The Zone.

The last few weeks were hectic. I ran and was elected treasurer for student government. I had a restraining order put on Mrs. Green. The school had a trespass order issued to her as well. Michael got the okay to sign off on my make up hours from Mr Erickson. So that's all taken care of.

Michael and I took Jen and Justin out to lunch to catch up and to play miniature golf.

 Skip was true to his word and texts everyday and calls at least every other. He can't talk for very long or about the specifics but Michael's just glad he's doing okay and has relaxed a little.

Michael and I have been doing great and I fall more in love with him every day. 

His mom calls once a week to get a status update on her grandbabies. The first time I heard that was when Michael and I were eating breakfast and he had it on speakerphone because she wanted to talk to both of us.

I had taken a drink of orange juice and ended up spraying it out all over Michael when she said that. 

Oops. Michael face palmed and hung the phone up.

He laughed and said "See that's what I was talking about when I said she was crazy!"

Michael and the Zone Crew have been helping me set up the entire club. I have a bunch of little activities set up and a mini haunted house area in the back corner. I haven't given out the costumes yet.

I have different ones for everyone. The bouncers are all gonna be dressed like old school mobsters. Blue is going to be topped off with a crap load of fake bling and a flashy grill to match.

The DJ is wearing a flamingo head and hot pink jumpsuit. Scott is going to rock a Jack Sparrow costume cause he'll look hot in it.

Tom and Susan get the dorky teacher and hot catholic school girl costume

. Michael is going to be a Sheik and I'm a harem girl. Tina is coming as a naughty soldier! Hehe tonight is going to rock.

I handed out all the costumes and we all went to different areas to change.

"Sweetheart, I'm not wearing this. I'll look stupid. There isn't even a shirt. " Michael whined as he pulled out the vest top.

"No Sex-Nip, You'll look sexy as hell and I'll have to keep close so no one tries molesting you!"

I can't wait to see him in that get up.

"When are you going to show me yours?" he asked eyeing my bag.

"Well I have a few last minute things to do but you'll see it soon." I winked and walked out to check on Tina and Susan.

"Jems I can't believe you want me to wear this!" Susan laughed and tugged at her mini skirt.

"Pshh you are one hotttt mama! I hope my body looks this smokin when I'm your age Susie!" Tina gushed.

"Yep! I bet Pop's is gonna wanna keep the outfit!" I teased.

Susan blushed and giggled "I still think you and Michael should have done the student teacher thing. I mean hello" She teased.

"They would but since they do that normally Jems wanted to shake things up" Tina joked.

I chuckled and nodded my head in agreement. "Exactly, besides I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make Dad look goofy!" I joked but Tina and Susan didn't laugh.

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