Chapter 39

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Michael's Pov:

I paced back and forth for the 50th time in 5 minutes. I looked at my watch then paced again. 

The wedding starts in less then 30 minutes but time just couldn't move fast enough for me.

Guests were already here and the groomsmen were assembled and blah blah. 

I just want to hear the words you may kiss your bride... Again.

 It'll be even better this time because everyone important to us is here to see me claim my beautiful bride.

"Dude, Will you take a freakin zanex or paxil or something because you're starting to freak people out! Fuck bro, just breath. You're already married so it's a little late to be getting cold feet!" Skip teased while he yanked me to a stop and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not getting cold feet you idiot. I just wish it was already time to start. Are you getting cold feet? Cause you know if you ditch Tina at the alter Jems will murder you and since she's my wife I'd have to help hide your body and mom would be pissed and then I wouldn't be her favorite son anymore.... So for everyone's sake I hope you're not bitching up." I ribbed back.

He laughed. "Pshh somebody lied to you baby brother. I'm soooo the favorite child and I don't have a bitch bone in my body! Seriously though why are you being weird? Well more weird then you usually are. Let me guess, you're butt-hurt cause muffin butt stuck to the whole 'no sex the night before the wedding' rule. Awe is Mikey havin Jemma withdraw?"

"No dipshit and we are not discussing my sex life. That's just weird. I mean you don't hear me joking about yours and Tina's sex life and will you stop callin Jems muffin butt. I'd hate to have to kick your ass 10 minutes before you say I do. Tina might get pissed if you're sporting a busted lip and black eye in all the wedding photos." I said mock punching his arm making him laugh.

He nodded his head and spoke in his serious tone. "Yeah bro then Tina would get Muffin Butt pissed at you and you'd get an ass whoopin too. I think it's a safer all around if ya just learn to live with the adorable nick name I gave her. On a side note, it would sound really skeezy if you joked about me and Tina doing the dirty. Hello she's your student. Jeeze"

He mock punched me then slung his arm over my shoulder to pose for a picture. "Seriously though, you good?"

I smiled at his idiotic attempt at concern. " Yeah, I'm just ready to make it official. Like, for people to actually know that I love that amazing woman and unbelievably she loves me enough to be my wife. All these months of hiding and having to act like she was just an ordinary student have worn really thin. It makes me feel like it was a dirty secret or something to be ashamed of. When it's neither of those things. Ughh never-mind I sound like a chick right now and if Jems heard, I'd never hear the end of this."

"I get what you're saying. It'll feel more real because now you don't have to hide the fact that she's your wife. Things me and Tina take for granted y'all haven't really gotten to do. At least not without an ass load of complications. But just so you know, those of us that knew about y'all and got to see y'alls relationship progress never once thought it was anything other that what it is. Two people truly in love and lucky as hell to have overcome so many obstacles both individually and together. So take a breath and smile because the ceremony is starting."

The back doors opened and the bridal party started to march in. We straightened and finally she came into view.

 I felt my mouth drop and my brain refused to let my eyes blink. I didn't want to miss a second of this. Jemma looked beyond beautiful. 

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