Chapter 25

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Jemma's Pov:

I woke up to the smell of food and the sound of people laughing. I stretched and looked at the clock. I'd been asleep for the last few hours.

I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. I smiled as I saw that Robby and Tina were in there with Michael.

Tina looked up from the pot she was stirring. "Finally sleeping beauty wakes up!"

Michael got up from grading papers and walked to me. "You feeling better Love?"

I leaned up and kissed him. "I already told you I felt fine. I guess all the stress is just wearing me out."

I heard a pop and looked over to see Tina slapping Robby's hand with the spatula.

"I already told you, no picking at the food." She complained with her hands on her hips.

"Jeez woman! Those pregnancy hormones are kicking your ass!" Robby whined with a eye roll.

We all sat down to eat and Tina kept shooting me looks.

"What?" I asked after the hundredth time.

She shrugged. "Nothing, It's just, I gotta go to the store and I don't wanna go by myself. Come with me?" She pleaded.


We walked into Walgreen's and she grabbed my hand to drag me to the pregnancy test aisle.

"I thought you already took one."

She rolled her eyes. "Duh, but have you?"

I laughed. "Me? Why would I? I cant be pregnant."

She crossed her arms. "Oh really, So Mike uses a condom every single time? Even when the freaky deeky hits y'all and you bust a dirty quickie in his office?"

I blushed and she laughed. "Busted Baby doll"

"No he doesn't use condoms but I'm on the pill! It's just stress."

She rolled her eyes. "Just humor me and take the damn test." She shoved the pink box into my hand.

"Fine but it's a waste of time and money. I cant be pregnant."

"Sure, whatever you say Babe."

I stamped my foot. "I'm serious. The pill is like 99.9% effective."

"I know. Answer me this smarty pants. Have you had your period?" she asked as we walked to the counter.

I did the calculations and I haven't had one since before my birthday. "Shit!"

She bust out laughing and handed the clerk the money. "It still could be just stress." She said in a placating voice.

I walked through the door and straight to our bathroom. I didn't bother saying hi to the guys. 

I heard Tina tell them I'd be out in like 3 minutes and she followed me into the room.

"I can pee by myself." I snapped as nausea rolled through me. Stress induced, I'm sure.

She laughed "Oh hush, I'm not looking at your naughty bits. I'm just in here to make sure you actually take it."

She faced the door and I dropped my panties to pee.

I finished my business and put the test on the counter. I spent the three minutes silently trying to figure out how I felt about this. 

My hands slid down to my abdomen and I pictured the baby having Michael's smile and eyes. I felt my lips tug up and realized I was freaked out but happy.

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