Chapter 3

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Jemma's POV:

I was now curling my hair and finishing the last touch ups to my make up. It's Friday night baby!! I know what you're thinking right, typical teen going to a parties.

Umm no. Justin is staying at a friends house and I'm taking Jen to a club one town over. I know I sound like a bad influence but I figure at least if she's with me, I can make sure she's safe and not doing anything stupid. Besides its not like we're gonna drink.

Plus I know the owner, bouncer and staff. So they'll help keep an eye on Jen. She can have a good time within reasonable limits and lets face it, that's way better then going to a random party and getting trashed or roofied or who knows what else.

We park out back and I call Tom (the owner) he lets us in the back door and we chat for a few minutes. Then I lead Jen to the dance floor. This place has the best mix. One minute you're moshing to Marilyn Manson. The next dropping it like it's hot to Lil Wayne.

"Dude this is soooo awesome! Do you think they'd let us dance on the speakers?" Jen pleaded giving me her best puppy dog eyes.

I roll mine but grin "Probably but we gotta talk to Pete first. He's the DJ and he can get a little touchy about his equipment. Come on." I grab her hand and drag her over to the raised DJ platform.

A bouncer is stationed there. He looks over at me and yanks me into a huge hug. "Girl where the hell have you been? I haven't seen ya in a while" he yells trying to be heard over the music.

"Awe Blue I missed ya too. By the way this is Jen my baby sister. Jen this is Blue, he's head of security here. If you have any problems or we get separated just get him" I tell her.

"So what can I do for ya princess?" He asks me.

"Besides keep an eye on my baby sister? Can you give me a lift up? I wanna talk to Pete real quick."

He lifts me up and I wait a minute till Pete looks over "Hey girlie long time no see! Whatcha doing here and does the boss man know?" He asks pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah he knows. All the boys have said the same thing. I just been busy that's all. I'm sorry I haven't been here but I had a lot going on and ya know how it is when a new school year starts. Soooo since ya missed me so much can me and my sister dance on the speakers?" I beg giving him my best pouty face.

He stands there tapping his chin for a minute pretending to be deep in thought. Then smiles the cheesiest smile ever. "Fine but you gotta cover my booth for a few minutes, I really gotta take a leak!! I was like seconds away from doing the potty dance."

I laugh as he started demonstrating his version of the potty dance. "You coulda had one of the boys cover for you but you know I will."

"Psshh girl you must have smoked some crack!! I don't let anyone but you touch my baby. I already got the line up set up so just let me introduce you."

"HELLO ALL YOU PARTYING FOOLS!!! I'm takin a quick break but before I do let me Introduce you guys to my girl JEMMA! Who decided to grace us with her gorgeous and talented body tonight!! " he winks at me then hands me the microphone.

"LETS GET THIS BITCH ROCKIN!!" I scream and set the laser lights to the beat and jam away till Pete gets back.

I grab Jen and Blue lifts us on to the speakers. We spend the next 2 hours dancing our little hearts off.

"Jen I'm gonna grab a drink and catch up with Scott wanna come?" I yell over the blasting base of a five finger death punch song.

"Hell no I'm gonna stay right here. Go have fun, catch up with everyone. I'll get Blue to find ya when I get down. I love this! You're the bestest big sister ever!"

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