Chapter 17

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Jemma's Pov:

We drove a little over an hour to reach the restaurant. We pulled up and the driver opened the limo door.

 Michael helped me out and we walked into Seoul Gardens. 

My all time favorite sushi spot. I love this place but it's crazy expensive so I only come here a few times a year. We were seated and the waiter took our drink order.

"Michael, this place is outrageous. Like $100 or more per person. You shouldn't spend that kind of money on me! Pizza would have been fine!"

He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm.

"Jemma stop worrying about my money all the time. It's fine, besides your birthday only comes once a year. So we should go all out."

"I'm not trying to be ungrateful or anything but babe seriously I don't want you bankrupting yourself for me. I have you and that's enough for me! "

He kissed my palm again and smiled. "Sweetheart I'm in no danger of bankrupting myself. I never had anytime to spend my money when I was in the army so it sat there and after about two years I had my sister who is a very successful financial investor take over my money. She made some really good investments and over the last 5 years made me quite a bit of money. I'm not a millionaire or anything but I'm very comfortable. So don't worry about the few occasions I splurge and do something nice for you."

"I wish you hadn't told me about your money. Now it'll be in the back of your mind that I might want you for your money. Which I don't by the way."

Michael laughed and shook his head. "That would never cross my mind and you know it. I love you and you love me. Even when you thought I just survived off of my teaching income which is about half of what you make at The Zone. So lets drop this and enjoy your night, Love."

We ordered our food and spent the next hour enjoying Mike and Jems time. "Why don't you go to one of the Ivy league schools? Are you worried about finances?" Michael asked as we made our way back to the limo.

"No I have enough saved up to buy and completely pay off a new car and fairly nice house. So paying tuition isn't an issue. I just don't see the point of going off when I'm happy where I'm at. I don't want to open my own club just continue running The Zone. Maybe one day teach English because I love the classics. Let's face it one day I'll want kids and running a night club full time won't give me a lot of time with them."

He smiled "You really do amaze me. Not many young people have their life that well thought out. But what if things don't go according to plan?"

"Then I adjust and make a new one. I didn't plan on dating my teacher but I did and look how well that's turning out." I kissed him

"Yep probably the best decision I made in a long time" He said nipping my bottom lip to gain entrance.


The car came to a stop and I looked out the window. We were in the middle of no where. I giggled. 

That is so my luck. "I think our limo broke down"

He chuckled "No we're exactly where we need to be."

"Um if you're planning on murdering me and disposing my body here, you probably shouldn't have hired a limo. Witnesses are one of the ways a killer gets caught!" I joked.

He rolled his eyes. "Darlin, you have a warped sense of humor!" He laughed "Look over there" He pointed at the window behind me.

I looked and squealed. "No way!!"

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