Chapter 41

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Jemma's Pov:

I had a blast the last two weeks shadowing Michael and Mr. Carr at school.

 Unfortunately not the teaching crap. 

But the hanging out with Michael and Robby's boyfriend/teacher was great. It was so cute the way Robby and Jack AKA Mr. Carr would send secret smiles and looks to each other.

It made me think this is what it looked like when Michael and I were on the down low. 

It was sweet and cute and I hope those two can make it work for the long haul like me and Michael did.

Tina and Skip have been back for the last two weeks but Skip has to go back to the base during the week so he's only down on the weekends. Robby and his man have been by a few times and Michael has been helping me with my online courses as well as the accounting for the club.

I now think that a job as a teacher isn't really in my future. It's too repetitive and not to mention I occasionally had the urge to throw an eraser at certain student's heads. 

I mean seriously, who knew students could be such pains in the ass. Not to mention disrespectful. 

I'd probably get fired for losing my temper. It's hard to tell what was worse, the guys trying to hit on me before they realized who I was or the little shits that had major attitude.

The last two weeks gave me a new level of admiration for the teachers that actually taught and cared about their students yet managed to keep them in line without threats of violence. 

Michael and Jack have an unnatural amount of patients when it comes to their students.

Today is Monday and I'm finally working back at The Zone. Because of everything going on our weekly meeting went from lasting an hour and a half to a little over three hours. We finished almost an hour ago and now I'm comfortably parked in Pop's chair looking over the spreadsheets for the projected cost of the renovations Pops wants done. As well as the projected losses we're gonna sustain if we do a complete overhaul. A month of being closed will cost the club a pretty penny in lost revenue.

A knock on the door interrupted me and I called for them to enter without even looking up from the tons of printouts with row after row of tiny numbers.

"Hey Love, am I interrupting you?" Michael asked.

I leaned back and smiled. "No but I wasn't expecting you until after lunch. How was your meeting?"

"Sweetheart it is after lunch. I finished my meeting and stopped to pick you up something to eat because Blue texted that I might want to check if you were still alive because you've been shut in here for the last 4 hours. It's almost 3 Jems. You hungry? I brought your favorite."

I looked at the clock and sure enough it was that late.

"OOOoh you brought me tacos? Have I told you how much I love you? I'm starving hand 'em over and nobody gets hurt!" I joked

"All that hard work to win your love and all I had to do was stock pile tacos? Ya coulda let me know!" He teased handing me the bag of tacos and a blue raspberry slurpee.

He sat quietly laughing while I inhaled the first two tacos and sucked down half my slurpee. I leaned back with a happy sigh then leveled him with my serious no nonsense look.

"This is your fifth meeting in the last two weeks. Are you gonna tell me what's going on? I'm starting to worry that you're having issues with the school board or something."

"No Love, nothing like that. I've been planning on talking everything over with you but I wanted a little more information before that discussion. Which I got today. So how about a deal? You tell me what has you so stressed out and I'll fill you in on my meetings."

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