Chapter 7

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Jemma's Pov:

I'm at home doing my Government homework when Mike walks in carrying take out.

"Hey love, I picked up Chinese since we stayed late and you gotta leave soon so eat up." He leaned down and kissed me hello.

"Thanks Mikey"

We ate on the floor around the coffee table.

"So I make you googly eyed huh?" He asks with a smirk.

I shrug "So I have you whipped huh?" I throw back at him.

"Pretty much." He answered with a pleased look on his face

We picked up our mess and are cuddling on the couch. "You know you don't need to stalk me babe. Since I'm already living with you" I joke about him helping out with student government and The Majors.

"Puh Lease...I'll have you know I'd already been assigned to three after school clubs before school even started. So if anything you're stalking me. You know there's really no need for that. You already have me" He cooed as he pulls me onto his lap and kisses me.

"Doesn't matter. I've been in the same four extras since freshman year. So technically I was still there first. Meaning you are in fact stalking me babe! Don't worry I like it!" I tease giggling and kissing his jaw.

"What other two extras are you in?" He asks laying us down.

"Dance squad and Debate but, I already dropped dance and I might drop Debate, not sure yet."

He was kissing my sweet spot on my neck and stopped and leaned up laughing.


"You know how I said three groups earlier? Guess what my last one is."

I thought for a second "Ha of course! Have you noticed we seem to get thrown together a lot?" I asked running my hands down his back.

"Yep and I gotta admit I really enjoy having you thrown onto me" He says while rolling us so I was on top of him.

"Shut up and kiss me jerk face" I said against his lips.

"Anything for you big mouth!"


Things were getting a little hot and heavy. We were down to just our undies and let me just say Michael is so sexy in just his boxer briefs! It should be illegal to be that flippin hot!

"Stop Love, we gotta stop before we go too far."

"No, no stopping" I whine, grinding onto him and biting his shoulder.

He groans low in his throat and tightens his hold on me. "Love, quit making this harder then it already is" He whines lowly against my lips.

I giggle and run my hands down his chest towards his boxers. "Seems you're plenty hard to me!" I purred with a roll of my hips and moaned a little.

"Jems I'm serious. Sex is a big deal and you're not ready yet. We haven't been together that long and I don't want you regretting anything we do. There's no rush, Love"

He's right. I know he's right about sex but I was so close to coming! 

Hmm compromise time. "Fine no actual sex, but no stopping either. I'm sooo close and you are too. Baby I can tell you need me just as bad. Plus I'd never regret anything we do." I mumbled against his neck as I left a trail of kisses along it

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