Chapter 34

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Jemma's Pov:

Today is my last day of high school and it was time to get ready. 

I cant say wake up and get ready because in all honesty I didn't actually go to sleep. I spent the entire night tossing and turning on the couch.

I can't believe last night turned out so badly.

 I had planned to try some kink but ugh Michael pissed me off so much. What the hell is it with him.

 I've asked him to treat me like an equal but nooo.

He still wants to coddle me. Like I'm a fucking kid! I'm his wife god dammit! 

Instead of him trying to let me figure out the toys and kinky stuff why didn't he suggest anything. I was literally freaking out on the inside  on the verge of a nervous breakdown that I would disgust him but he 'figured I'd like that kinda stuff but wanted me to figure it out when I was more confident'

What the hell was that? Is he saying that I'm insecure? 

 Is he saying I should I be insecure? 

Because I'm 4 years younger then him? 

Because I was a virgin when I got with him? 

That's beyond stupid!

 I just want him to be able to treat me like an equal and how the hell is that gonna happen if he's worried that if he suggests something it'd be pressuring me.

I mean hello has he even met me? 

When the hell have I ever been pressured into anything? I'm not the kind of person that lets people pressure me into things. 

Maybe he doesn't know me as well as he thinks he does.

But what really pissed me off was the PMS comment. 

 Seriously WTF and why the fuck does he have Midol? 

Shit what if it belonged to an ex girlfriend? We never really had the ''ex'' talk really

I felt my blood boil at the thought of him trying to give me his ex's crap. He must seriously want an ass kicking.

 I tugged on my heeled ankle boots and stomped out of the house.

I got up earlier and got ready because I don't want to talk to him yet. 

I'm still pissed and if we talk now, I'll end up yelling at him again or throwing that stupid Midol bottle at his head this time.

He wouldn't give me an ex's crap right? 

No Michael wouldn't be that stupid....

Then again, giving me that Midol bottle while I'm pissed and mid-rant IS pretty stupid...

So I stealthily got ready and left before his alarms even went off. Flippin jerk.

 Now I have an hour to kill before school starts.

I sighed as I pulled up to Robby Pop's house and got out. Might as well have THE talk with him and see if he's ready to come clean yet.

Dork! Like I wouldn't figure it out.

We've been friends forever and well duhh.

 I won't push anything out of him because he may need time but I'll hint around when I take him for breakfast.

I walked into the house like I lived there because until recently this was one of my home away from homes. Plus his parents were out of town as usual.

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