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Jemma's Pov:

Life is truly amazing! It's been five years since Michael became a civilian instructor at Fort Hood. He loves his job and works hard to make sure his pupils are the best in their field.

He's trained every rank from Pfc to 3 star Generals. He's even had CIA and FBI agents in his classes. 

A couple of years back a publisher approached him to write a book but Michael declined. Even after all these years I'm the only one he's told all the details of his time as a POW to.

The club Pops built here has been a huge success. As soon as we moved here I took over all designing and business decisions for it.

 Since this is a military area and soldiers were my main clientele I named it The Green Zone. As in a safe place for our soldiers.

On my 21st birthday Pops deeded the club to me. So not only do I run it, I own it. 

I even managed to finish my four year degree with a major in business management and minor in political science.

Michael and I are still truly and deeply in love with each other. As the years progressed and both of our professional lives got more hectic, instead of growing apart we grew closer and stronger. 

We backed each other in everything we did. Whether it had been Michael staying up all night to help me close up the club then help me cram for a final or me helping him come up with mock scenarios for his class to do or even on occasion me playing the part of a terrorist or informant when they went out into the field for a few weeks at a time to do serious practice interrogations.

Once a year we go on a month long trip to different countries. Sometimes as cruises and sometimes we fly and just meander from one place to another. Kind of like a yearly honeymoon, time for us to get away and forget all the chaos of daily life and focus on just us.

We decided that because so much was new and hectic we would wait to have children. Almost six months ago I got off of birth control and we began trying to get pregnant. 

As month after month went by I got more nervous that I'd done lasting damage when I miscarried but as usual Michael was my rock and constant source of comfort and encouragement.

Skip finished his contract out with the Army then opened his own private security firm here in Killeen. It's become quite successful and even though it's his company he still manages to stay a family man first and foremost.

Tina and Skip had a second little boy about 2 years ago. They named him after Michael.

 Tina went to school to become a nurse and works at one of the hospitals on the base. Their oldest son Andrew started kindergarten this year.

Jack and Robby Pop lasted a little over a year and a half but with Robby off in Florida for college the relationship just wasn't as strong as it had been. They remained good friends and now Jack is in a serious relationship while Robby Pop is still looking for Mr. Right. 

We still see Jack all the time and Robby settled in Dallas after he finished college. So we see him at least a couple of times a month.

Pops and mummy are the same as ever. Danny finally got the nerve to ask Jane out and I'm happy to call her my stepmother and looking forward to my baby sister's birth next month. 

Jen finished her first year of college and has decided to take a year off and has been backpacking across Europe with her Freshman math professor. She's planning on going into law when she gets back. Justin is a Junior in high school this year and a true little player.

Sullivan retired 3 years after I left and has taken a shining to golf. Especially since he can beat Michael and Skip when they play their monthly game. 

Officer Donald left his wife and is currently looking for misses right. I think I might know the perfect woman for him and plan on helping them make a love connection soon.

I looked down at the stick in my hand and did a little victory dance. I ran into the bedroom and dive bombed the bed making Michael groan because my knee accidentally caught his stomach. I bounced up and down and clapped my hands.

"Michael stop whining and get up!"

He sat up and looked around. "Love, what's wrong? What's-"

I covered his mouth with my hand and shoved the stick into his face. His eyes widened and he grinned and pulled me onto his lap.

I had happy tears falling down my cheeks and he kissed them away.

"See, I told you it would happen. Congratulations Love, you're gonna be a wonderful mommy!" He cheered happily.

"Oh Michael we're gonna be the best parents in the world! Our kid is gonna know that mommy and daddy love them to pieces!"

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