Chapter 36

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Michael's Pov:

4 days...

 It's been 4 long horrible days since I became the biggest dick in the world and lost the only woman I've ever loved.

 Ughh if it were physically possible I'd kick my own ass right now.

 What the hell was I thinking?

I wasn't thinking.

 I was freaking out.

 Because if I'd been thinking, I'd have used my brain and if I had used my brain for even a second I'd have clued in that Jems isn't the kind of person to do those things.

I paced the length of the house once again before throwing myself face first onto our bed and punching the pillow like a petulant child.

 I don't care. 

I literally feel like I'm dying a slow painful death from the inside out.

I felt a hand rubbing my back and groaned in frustration. 

I know she's trying to help but nothing helps and I don't deserve her sympathy.

Because I was an insecure jackass, my wife is only god knows where. 

All I keep thinking about is the 10 billion bad things that could happen to her.

I rolled over and sat up. Tina sat there staring at me, smiling sympathetically. 

"She'll be back, she just needs some time to lick her wounds and cool off. She loves you and she knows you love her. So just give her time and space." she said all maternally.

I sighed. "Tina I've given her 4 days. She wont answer my calls or texts. She hasn't replied to the tons of voicemails I've left. I have no idea where she is or if she's okay. I... I cant do it anymore. I'll give her until the morning then I'm going after her."

She rolled her eyes but managed to stifle her laugh. "Dude! Telephonically stalking her is so not the definition of giving her space. In fact I'm pretty sure it's the exact opposite. Face it Mike, you were a dick and now she needs time to cool off so she can talk to you without beating your ass. Besides I thought you said you didn't know where she was. How can you go after her if you cant find her?" She asked patting my shoulder comfortingly.

 It's amazing how much she's matured and how maternal this pregnancy has made her. I think she'll make an excellent mom to my nephew

"Well I don't but that'll change as soon as I get a call back from Davie." I smiled smugly and made a silent promise to myself to do everything in my power to earn Jems forgiveness.

My phone rang and for a millisecond I thought maybe Jems was calling me back. But no, the ring tone was not the one I set for her. 

Disappointed, I picked up the phone. "Half-witted and heartbroken how can I help you this depressing afternoon?" I grumbled listlessly.

"Yo Homez! A little melodramatic dontcha think?"

I sat up and ignored his teasing so we could get straight to the point.

"Hey man, what did you find out? Is she safe? Where is she?" I impatiently ask.

I hung the phone up and dropped my head into my hands. At least I know she's okay. That's what really matters. I said I'd give it until tomorrow until I went to get her or at least plead with her to hear me out.

Fuck it! I'm going now.

 I'll be in Austin by 6 and have plenty of time to go over everything I want, no need to tell her.

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