Chapter 21

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Jemma's Pov:

I took the rest of the week off from school. The up side, because of what was going on it was excused and didn't count as absences.

Michael came home everyday during lunch and his free period. He even brought Tina and Robby Pop yesterday. 

Of course the school was buzzing with gossip about Terri and Mrs. Green being arrested for attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

My family has been by a few times and so has the crew from The Zone. I've been informed by Pops that I'm not coming in until after Christmas. 

He wants me to take a month break because of the stress. No amount of whining on my part changed his mind.

Last night Michael's Mom called to start planning the wedding. 

I had to cover the mouth piece to hide my laughter at her annoyance that we hadn't even started talking about the details. 

I appeased her by saying I'd talk to Michael soon about everything.

It's Monday morning and Michael and I are about to leave for school.

"Are you sure you don't want to ride with me?" He asked wolfing down the last of his bagel.

"It's my first day back. As soon as I step foot on campus all eyes will be on me. It's too risky. I'll see you in class Sex-Nip."

I turned to grab my stuff and felt him slide up behind me. He kissed my sweet spot and nibbled on my ear.

"If you have any trouble with every ones immature bullshit come get me."

I spun around and kissed him. "Stop worrying about me. I'll be fine. See ya in class Mr. Jenkins!" I winked and walked to my car.

On the way to school a devilishly awesome plan popped into my head and I hammered out some of the details in my mind while I stopped for Starbucks.

Hehe Game on.

 I'm gonna play with Michael today and see how far I can push him.

I got out of my car and smiled. This is gonna be fun.

I planned my arrival so that I made it to first period just after the bell rang. That way I'd have a little more time before I was bombarded with questions by everyone and their mama.

I slid into my seat right next to Michael's.

I tossed my binder on his desk and leaned forward pretending to be going over my notes. Part one of my plan beginning now.

Michael slid me a sideways glance then began calling roll. 

I moved my hand from hanging loosely at my side and placed it on his knee. He shot me a questioning glance that I ignored.

I ran my hand up slowly massaging his thigh through his khakis. I felt his muscles twitch and his leg jumped.

Hehe good thing the front of the desk is paneled almost all the way to the floor.

He cleared his throat and continued calling roll.

 I made it to his crotch and grabbed him firmly. 

I did a mental cackle. He was already hard and tenting his pants.

I could feel his stare but I ignored it. "What are you doing Sweetheart?" He hissed quietly.

I used my other hand to flip the page of my notebook like I had really been reading the blank page in front of me. 

"Shhh I'm trying to study." I murmured just as quietly but sped up the massage I was giving his lap.

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