Chapter 37

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Jems Pov:

I looked at our clasped hands and rolled my eyes. He's so dramatic and who'd have thought Mr. Conceited and oh so worldly was as insecure as little ol' me.

I hid my smile and met his eyes as I stood up.

"Oh so... right... I'll uhh" He stuttered probably thinking that I was still pissed at him.

Dumb ass! Like I could stay mad at him. 

In all honesty the last 4 days where the hardest of my life and I had to turn my phone off because his texts and voicemails made me want to throw myself in his arms and tell him he didn't do anything wrong. But that would set a bad precedent. 

"Come on Sex-Nip. I'm hungry and we should talk. Not beg forgiveness or bitch. Just talk, catch up on the last few days. There's an all night diner a few minutes away that has the best hummus."

He stood up and had to steady himself a bit. Before I could make a comment he grinned at me. "I'm good"

We sat down in a booth in the cute hippie diner.

"Okay I gotta ask. How the hell did you manage to get the room next door to mine?"

He chuckled and winked. "Davie is my new best bud. He's how I found you and he set up the reservation with his killer hackerness"

"Yeah but why the room right next door?"

He looked like he was holding in a laugh and I narrowed my eyes. "What did you do?"

He winced and placed his hands flat on the table. "Alright so I had flowers sent to your room but I got you something else that couldn't be delivered. So I sorta had to break in and the easiest way was to do it was through the connecting doors. Before you flip. I swear I just put it on the desk next to the flowers, I didn't snoop or do anything creepy like sniff your dirty panties or use your toothbrush to scrub the toilet."

I snorted and threw a chip at him. "You are such a dork. Those things didn't even cross my mind. Please tell me you haven't ever used someone's toothbrush that way."

He laughed "Well I might have borrowed Skip's to clean my bathroom when we were in school. But it was totally justified. He'd come home wasted and ended up puking all over my bathroom because he was too messed up to realize he wasn't in his. When I told him to clean it the next morning he flipped me off and threw a shoe at me."

"So what have you been up to?" He asked hesitantly.

"Not a lot. I shopped and hung with Paul, Skip and VIn. Tina didn't tell you the guys were taking turns looking after me? Their words not mine. Skip stayed the night when he came but slept on the couch. You know he can be really sweet and mature when he's worried. Haha he even offered to go kick your ass and knock some sense back into you."

"What the fuck? I didn't even know he was back. How did they know where you were and why the hell didn't anyone tell me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Well I called Tina on my way here and she conference called Robby and we talked about where I was going and blah blah blah. Anyway by the time I got to the hotel Tina had set up the reservation and Paul was in the lobby waiting."

"She knew? That damn woman played me! She was all 'you poor thing I know you're worried but she needs time.' Acting all sweet and maternal. Ughh I should have known."

I laughed and nodded. "I guess you were the only that didn't know. Even your mom and dad called up here. But they all knew I was coming home tomorrow after I pick up my dress."

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