Chapter 44

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Jemma's Pov:

The fall out from prom was crazy. 

By the time we got home everyone from school had found out thanks to the seniors posting a video of us kissing and tweeting that we were married. 

Tina and Skip already knew about the whole incident. We spent the rest of the weekend getting calls and facebook comments about it.

The feedback wasn't that bad for the most part. Because A) I'm over 18 and out of school. B) Michael and I are both pretty well liked among the school. 

The most common reaction was shock but there were a few people that made remarks about Michael being a pervert and taking advantage of his power position to seduce poor gullible and innocent me.

 Then there were the comments about me being a slut that seduced and used him to get better grades.

Sully called last night and said the school board had scheduled a meeting for Tuesday morning and that both Michael and I need to be there. They also suspended him until the hearing is concluded.

 All of our friends and family supported us and were irritated that it was even an issue since I wasn't a student any longer.

Michael wasn't bothered because he's been waiting for this to happen. 

He knew his ethics would be called into question but since there is literally only 5 more days before he left this job anyway he kind of shrugged it off. Nothing we did was illegal just in the grey area morally if you want to get technical.

Even if he wasn't bothered by all this, I still felt guilty because I'd initiated the kiss that got us caught.

 I could have held my hormones in check until we got home. I'd just gotten used to being with him publicly that it didn't really occur to me that even if we didn't get second looks when we were out and about, kissing at a school function in plain view of everyone wasn't the same.

 When I told that to Michael he'd made sure that I knew it wasn't anyone's fault. We are adults and married. It's only natural for us not to question kissing each other.

We walked into the conference room at the district office and sat down. I looked around the table and didn't recognize anyone other then Sully. Introductions were made and then the hearing began. 

The superintendent did all of the talking.

"Mr. Jenkin's, Jemma, we've been made aware of some very disturbing news. Before we proceed would either of you like to say anything in your defense?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. But Michael's jaw muscles twitched. "With all due respect Mr. Granger. I'd appreciate if you refrained from calling my marriage disturbing new." He retorted calmly.

Super Intendant Granger's eyes widened. "Well what would you prefer? You've married your student and then had the audacity to engage in untoward activities in front of the senior class, and at a school function while on duty, no less." Mr. Granger spoke incredulously.

Michael spoke firmly but calmly. "I married a former student after she'd already graduated. Jems and I were not engaging in untoward behavior. It's called a kiss and most junior high children do that 'criminal offense'. I understand that kissing MY WIFE while on duty wasn't particularly a good idea but it hardly warrants a hearing with the school board."

"That is understating the problem quite a bit don't you think. You married a student that dated your brother who now has another of your student's pregnant. From what I can gather you had a double wedding just over a month after she left school. As a teacher you're supposed to be a moral guide to your students. Do you think the behavior exhibited this year by you and your brother should be considered as the norm? Do you honestly expect the board to believe you waited to begin your relationship with her until she was out of school? Which leads to questions of who knew and helped you cover this up?" He said moving his scathing gaze from Michael to Sully.

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