Chapter 5

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Jemma's POV:

It's ten after five and I'm getting out of my car at the beach trail.

 I grab my phone off the seat and put the buds in my ear. Nothing gets me pumped up like my tunes.

I was jamming to Bartender by Rehab when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

OMG this cant be happening.

 I thought this was safer then the loop. I didn't even bring my pepper spray. Those thoughts flashed quickly through my mind.

Then I remembered what Blue taught me.

I threw my elbow back as hard as I could, stomped my foot on my attacker's foot, turned and threw my fist as fast and hard as I could.

In the tussle my earbuds fell to the ground.

I'm about to take off running since my attacker is doubled over when I hear a voice wheeze "Jesus Jemma are you trying to kill me?"

Oh no, I know that voice. "Oh my god Michael?"

I walked back over to him to make sure he's okay then slap him across the back of the head.

"What the hell was that for?" he asks standing up and slightly glaring at me.

"You scared the shit outta me you big jerk face!" I huffed.

"I was calling you and walked right in front of you how did you not know it was me?"

"Maybe cause I was listening to music and you mean , that you came from behind me. Are you stalking me Michael? Awe I feel so special! Mr. big ex military hot teacher man is so sprung that he's become a creeper!" Now that I'm over my shock I tease him.

"Actually I was already on the trail but turned back to get my camera. I wanna take some pictures of the sunrise. So technically you're stalking me. Awe I feel so special!! Ms. Club manager Ass kickin cutie is so sprung she's become a creeper!!" He uses my own words in a really squeaky high pitch imitation of my voice.

"You are such a dork and I don't sound anything like that." I giggled

"Haha you didn't deny it" He taunted grinning from ear to ear.

I rolled my eyes at him and lean down to pick up my ear buds.

 "Nope sorry to disappoint but I really didn't know you ran here. I started yesterday morning since you and Donald made me completely paranoid about running the back roads." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"So are you gonna follow the other piece of advice I gave you?'

At my blank look he continued "Ya know finding a running partner. Safety in numbers and all that."

I just shrugged my shoulders again and started to walk towards the trail. "Well you're here so I guess technically I'm not alone. So I guess I did listen to you." I called over my shoulder.

"Was that your idea of asking me to run with you. Wow Jemma I'm honored and I would love to! Think you can keep up?" He replies with a smirk like he didn't think I could.

"Pshh the real question Mikey is can you keep up. Seeing as your practically a senior citizen?"

He rolled his eyes "Oh ha ha kiddo. Let's see whatcha got."

We ran half way in comfortable silence keeping pace with each other. We stopped midway on the bridge over the water to watch the sunrise. Michael pulled out his camera and took a few pictures. I noticed the flash in the corner of my eyes and turned to see he'd just takin a picture of me with the view in the background.

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