Chapter 4

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Jemma's POV:

I wake up at 5 and throw on my work out clothes, tie my hair up, grab my keys and head out. It takes about 5 minutes to reach the beginning of the beach trail.

 I jump out and do my stretches. Then head down the trail.

Usually I listen to my ipod while I run but I want peace and quiet to think with no interruptions. 

I let my mind wonder to him. He's so perfect, he's sweet and caring, has a great sense of humor, smokin hot body. He's so easy to talk to, he listens like really listens.

When he sees or hears about one of my little stunts he usually just laughs. I like his laugh.

He's protective of me without overstepping and usually lets me handle things on my own but I know he'd step in if I needed him to. That's very different to what I'm used to.

Ughh what is wrong with me?  I keep thinking usually like we've know each other forever when its only been a week. 

I cant help it though. That's just the way it feels.

 When he's near I feel like I'm spiraling out of control yet at the same time I feel so safe. Like absolutely nothing and no one could hurt me.

 Ughh I sound like a freaking fan girl stalker.

It's not normal how much I think about him. 

Obviously nothing can ever happen there. He's my teacher and I've got to stop forgetting that. 

Besides he said it himself, he would never even think about dating a student.

It's just a crush and it'll go away eventually. 

We're just friends, he doesn't see me in any other way. How could he? I'm just a kid to him. 

 I'd rather be just friends with him than nothing at all.

 He'd think I was a total creep if he found out that I'm crushing on him. He'd get all uncomfortable and not wanna hang out anymore and I really like hanging out with him. 

"What about the other night? Y'all did NOT dance like student/teacher. " a voice whispers in the back of my head.

 Like I said, friends dance and well yeah of course I enjoyed it and got a little turned on but that's just because of the crush. 

As for his reaction well that was just from the friction and the hot look in his eyes was just from the lighting.

It had nothing to do with me.

Wow I really don't like that thought. 

Uggh It's just a crush and it will go away. 

Yeah that's right Jemma keep reminding yourself, so you don't do anything stupid!

 Just a crush. No-go zone. Just his student. Maybe friend....

I spend the rest of my run thinking about everything going on. Drake, Carrie and Terri and why she hates me. It used to not be this way. It all started when I walked in on her and my 8th grade science teacher getting it on. After that everything changed between us and kept getting progressively worse.

Until the last fight we had a couple of months ago.

 I'd just reached the limit that I couldn't take anymore of her mouth and when she slapped me I slapped her right back.  Not the best mother/daughter relationship to say the least.

Since then things have been calm but only because she was so focused on her campaign run. I even think about my dad.

 He's not as cold to me as Terri but over the last few years he's pulled away. No doubt Terri is involved somehow.

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