Chapter 2

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Jemma's POV:

I woke up feeling refreshed. That may be because I slept a little over 4 hours. That constitutes a great night sleep in my book. Wow I needed that.

I got up and took a nice long hot shower.

I took my time getting ready today. Not for any specific reason or anything. It's just that I'm making up for my rush job yesterday.

 Yep that's totally it. Had absolutely nothing at all to do with a certain sexy hunk of man.

I look good if I do say so myself. 

I'm not conceited or anything. I work hard to stay in shape. I run 5 times a week and stay active through the day. I'm 5'6 with medium brown hair that has natural copper and blond highlights. I'm not chunky or extremely skinny. I'm curvy and embrace it.

The day goes by normally, cutting up with friends and doing class work. 

Only today I keep hearing about how hot the new calculus teacher is non stop.

 How I didn't hear all this yesterday I have no idea. None of the girls will shut up about it.

 It's a little irritating. 

I mean ughh get over it already. He's not a chunk of meat people!!

I'm sitting in lunch talking to May when Drake my ex comes up to our table. I resist the urge to cringe when he shot an arrogant wink my way.

 I broke up with him 4 months ago when I caught him cheating on me...

 With none other then the cheer slut Carrie. Shocker and totally non-cliché right?

I literally walked in on them getting it on.

His excuse was "Baby I'm a man and men have needs."

Before I realize what's happening he has me pinned between him and the table telling me "we need to talk."

"No we really don't Drake. There is not a god damn thing for us to talk about!" I hissed at him.

 I look away from him and glance around as the whole cafeteria has gone crazy silent. 


"Yeah Jemma there's a lot we need to talk about. You just up and broke up with me. You threw 2 and a half years of our relationship down the drain without the courtesy of even discussing it with me. I tried all summer to talk to you but you ignored me. Well you're damn well gonna talk to me now!" He roared, not bothering with the captivated audience

By the time he finished he was yelling and the grip on my upper arms was becoming a little , painful. 

My friends stand up to intervene but I shake my head no. 

I take care of my own problems. Always have and always will.

He wants to make a scene, I'll make a damn scene!

"Okay Drake, you wanna talk. You want an explanation? Fine I dumped your sorry ass because I walked in on you fucking Carrie. All I got was 'baby I'm a man with needs.' Well I'll tell you today the same thing I told you that day. You and your needs can go fuck yourselves cause you damn sure aren't gonna be fucking me! You threw our relationship away not me. Now let go of me you sorry sack of shit! You're leaving me bruises!" I yelled my entire little speech so everyone could hear what a dick wad he is.

After he let go I leaned forward and lowered my voice so only he can hear me "By the way Drake, baby the reason I never had sex with you was because I was being fucked good and hard by a couple of your football buddies the entire time we were together. Have a nice life noodle dick." I purred smirking at the way his hands balled up and his face contorted with his anger.

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