Chapter 16

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Jemma's Pov:

"Hey Donald what's up?"

"We need to talk about what happened last night."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. That would probably hurt.

"How did you find out?" I asked not really all that surprised that he learned I was attacked.

He looked at Michael then back at me.

"He's the sheik?"

"Umm how did you know he was the-"

He cut me off and spoke to Michael. "I'm officer Keef. Is there somewhere we can all talk privately?"

"Michael Jenkins and yeah in my office. This way sir." Michael led us into his office and I sat on his desk while he stood next to me and Donald sat on the couch facing us.

"So the damnedest thing happened Jems. Last night I was patrolling and came across a man that had the crap beaten out of him. A sign was taped to his chest that said 'Next time think twice before you lay a hand on a woman' I took him to the hospital but he refused to tell me what happened. I ran his name and checked his credit history. Guess what I found out?"

I slid a glace at Michael but he looked calm and composed. I turned back to Donald "That he has a subscription to gay anime porn?" I joked

"Funny.. But no. I saw he'd been to The Zone last night. So I went and had a talk with your uncle and guess what else I learned?"

Michael answered this time "That the jerk tried picking Jemma up and when she declined his crude offer he got physical and I stepped in. There was a scuffle and when I thought he was down I turned to check on Jemma and he tackled me from behind and slammed me into her which slammed her into the bar causing her a concussion."

"Yeah. Which brings me to the present. Why didn't you let the police handle this Jems? Why didn't you file a report? You still can and we can pick him up."

I gently shook my head. "It wasn't as serious as it sounds. He was a drunk creep that took things a little too far. I'm guessing that when he tackled Mr. Jenkins into me and the bouncers got on him, he got a pretty good beat down. So I don't plan on pressing charges. I'll have him band from the club and I wont ever see him again."

Donald looked at Michael for a second. "Would you mind giving me and Jemma a few minutes?"

Michael nodded and looked at me. "I'm just next door if you need me Jems."

I smiled. "I'll be fine Mr. Jenkins."

Donald walked over to me and gave me a hug. "I'm glad you're ok Jemma Bean. I'm glad Mr. Jenkins was there to intervene. Why was your teacher there? Wearing a matching costume?"

I chuckled. I figured this is where it was gonna go when he asked Michael to leave.

"Obviously he's my teacher but also a friend. I'm dating his older brother and he deployed a couple of weeks ago. He was supposed to match me for the Halloween shindig but obviously with him being across the world in an active war zone he couldn't and since Skip left Michael sorta filled in for him. So how much of the video did ya see? Did you see my awesome juggling skills?"

I asked like I was trying to show off and not that I was worried he might have seen me and Michael kissing earlier in the night.

He laughed and shook his head "No I missed the juggling. I just saw from incident to the ambulance arrival. You two seem like really good friends." He drawled giving me a speculative glance.

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