Chapter 11

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Jemma's Pov:

When did the guys say they were coming to pick us up? Tina asked.

I looked at the hotel clock. "Um they said around 9 and it's 8 45."

"Soooo have you thought about our talk earlier?"

I sighed. "Yeah, and you're right. Me acting stupid slutty isn't going to show him I'm ready. I was thinking about that. I just feel like I know we're going to be together a long time, maybe even forever. If he asked I'd marry him the day I turn 18. I get where he's coming from about rushing it. I just want to be with him completely ya know. Oh god I just realized that I'm acting like Drake! I'm pressuring him to have sex with me, Ughhh how pathetic am I?"

I threw myself back on the bed feeling like a total loser. I'm doing the same thing that I hated Drake for doing.

"Hey!! I said my style was slutty temptress. Not stupid slutty!" She joked.

"Yeah you are kinda being Drake-ish but it's totally different. You're only pushing it because you know he wants to but he's waiting for you. If it was because he wasn't ready you wouldn't push it. So chill baby-doll. You're not pathetic! You're just a hormonal teenager in love with a sexy guy." she said patting my head like a was a puppy.

"I'm just going to drop it. I'm mean what we do, do is beyond awesome and it's not like he's complaining about not actually fucking me. I'll let everything play out naturally without pushing for more."

There was a light tap coming from our door. "Alright woman, let's go have some fun with our guys!" she cheered


"Nahh my baby brother's blushing. Jemma what in the world are you telling him?" Skip teased as we walked into the amusement center.

"I busted his ass! Called him out on staring at my booty!" I laughed as Michael turned even redder.

 It's funny that he can be so naughty when we're alone but gets shy in front of others.

"Skip stop calling me baby brother! You're only like 11 months older then me dip shit!" Michael rolled his eyes

"I was wondering about that" Tina said "Especially since you act like you're about 15 years younger then him!" She teased.

"So you're saying I act like a 7 year old?" Skip whined in a kiddish voice.

We all nodded "Shweeeeet! Then go buy me some legos!!"

We spent the next 3 hours playing laser tag, riding bumper cars and rollerblading. We made it back to the hotel around midnight

I decided to crash in Michael's room. Of course Skip had no problem bunking in my room with Tina.

 I wonder how things are going with those two.

Michael and I had been lying in bed for a while and I still couldn't sleep. "Sex-Nip, you still awake?" I asked nudging him a little.

"Yeah love, what's up?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk about some things I've been thinking about." I rolled over and faced him.

"What's been on your mind sweetheart?" he sounded worried.

He always sounds worried when I say I wanna talk. Maybe I should start phrasing it differently so he doesn't get any wrong ideas.

"The other day you said you'd been shot, stabbed and had been held captive for three months as a prisoner of war." I trailed off so he could explain.

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