Chapter 20

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Jemma's Pov:

"Michael quit being a stubborn ass! You're staying home and that's final." I huffed getting annoyed with the moron. We'd been arguing over the same thing for the last 20 minutes.

"I'm fine. Besides what'll you do without me all day?" He gulped hard and I kinda wanted to gag.

"Please tell me you didn't just throw up in your mouth and swallow it?"

He didn't answer so I just continued.

"Baby you've been puking for the last 2 hours. You have a stomach bug and need your rest. I'll be fine without you for the day. Besides I'll be in and out all day. I'm going to go drop off the tapes to Donald and he'll probably be pulling me out sometime to talk to me. So back in bed." I said with my hands on my hips.

"Fine I'll stay home from school. I don't want you doing this alone though. So give me 5 minutes and I'll go with you to the Sherriff's Department." He stood up and swayed a bit.

"Michael you cant even stand up without turning green. Just park it and I'll tell you how everything goes when I get home."

"I'm Fine" He said trying to step around me to go get dressed.

"Ughh I swear you have got to be the most pig headed-"

He cut me off "Yeah, yeah I'm stubborn. So are you." He sighed and sat back down. "This is a big thing to go through and I just want to support you. I don't want you feeling like you're in this alone."

I sat next to him and grabbed his hand. "I know you want to help, but just knowing that you care is enough for me. I can handle this. I just want you to get rested and feel better. So please just lay back down and I'll see you after school"

I tucked him in and kissed his forehead.

"You sure you'll be okay?"

I laughed "Sex-Nip stop worrying and get some rest. I love you." I said walking out of our room

I'd waited until Donald showed up then went into his office and told him basically everything that has happened over the last few years. I summarized it and then pulled out the stack of dvds all the proof was on.

I left him to watch it and got stopped by Jane on my way out. She pulled me into a tight hug.

"Sweetie, you're dad called me last night to tell me he wasn't gonna make it in today. He didn't go into a lot of details but I got the gist of it. If you need anything at all, call me. Day or night."

I walked into the front office in the middle of 2nd period. I handed the attendance lady my slip saying I was at the Sherriff's Office on official business and I was excused and given a slip to get into class.

School passed by excruciatingly slow. Tina and Robby Pop tried to cheer me up by dancing and singing in the middle of the cafeteria. They sang Best friend by Toybox and Robby Pop actually did the worm across our table.

By the end of that little show I was crackin up. Robby was dancing suggestively on top of the table and Lisa and May were throwing dollar bills at him. Tina had started to grab random guys from different tables and dancing with them.

Only it was like crazy over the top goofy dancing. Like doing the robot and booty bouncing them. My favorite was when she jumped up on our table with Robby Pop and they did the Sprinkler together. Ha I love my dorks!

When we got to Michael's class I was feeling better, but school really wasn't the same without Michael here. I took my phone out and texted him.

Miss ya Sex-Nip. Hope you're feeling better. xoxo Jems

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