Chapter 28

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Jemma's Pov:

I woke up and looked at the clock. 

Shit! I had twenty minutes to get to school on time.

 I jumped out of bed and yelled at Michael to get up. We hauled ass getting ready and walked out. Skip and Tina were in the kitchen laughing.

"Bro you could have woke me up." Michael complained.

Skip shrugged. "I just figured you two were doing the nasty. I read 'What To Expect When You're Expecting' and it said that the hormones increase the sex drive and the extra blood flow to the naughty bits makes it more sensitive." He winked at Michael and Tina popped him on the head.

"Ughh it's too early for health class. Hi, Bye, love y'all, gotta go! If I'm late they wont let me take the exams. Wish me luck." I called walking to the door.

"Hold up muffin butt! Ya gotta feed my nephew!" He said tossing me a muffin.

"Squishy could be a girl."

I spent the morning in the library taking my tests. Then went to talk to Sully about staying in school. He said that was fine but that I'd have to be an aide for the two classes I tested out of. After a little of my smooth talking and then eventual whining Sully actually agreed to let me be Michael's aide those periods.

School was letting out for the day since it was early release so I made my way to Michael's class. I knocked on the door and when he called ''Come in" I skipped in.

"So guess what." I was too happy to let him actually guess so I just kept on talking.

"I talked to Sully and I'm staying in school. I'll just be taking a full day of electives and graduate with a bunch of extra credits. The only electives open are teachers aide and your brilliant wife fixed it so I have you for my open slots."

He grinned and slung his arm around me. "So you're telling me that I have you for three classes a day, student council, the Majors and debate? Ughh next semester is gonna blow! I have this crazy stalker fan girl over half the day!" He teased.

I crossed my arms and huffed. "Okay jerk face, there's still time for me to have Sully put me with someone else. Maybe that hot history teacher's class. Wouldn't want to crowd you! Or cut in on your ego stroking time with all the girls drooling over you."

He laughed and kissed my neck sending tingles down my spine.

"Welllllll since you're my wife I guess I could deal with seeing you so much. But you gotta promise not to molest me in class. At least when the students are looking." 

I laughed and swatted his arm. "Same goes for you buddy! I seem to recall that was a two way molestation and you were the one that decided we should smash papas in your office."

He sighed wistfully. "Damn that was a good day wasn't it"

I giggled


Tina rode home with me since Skip dropped her off this morning. We stopped at the store and got Slurpee's then headed home.

Skip popped his head out of the kitchen and grinned. "What would my two favorite preggo girls like to eat for lunch? I went grocery shopping and picked up all kinds of stuff."

'How about chicken salad sandwiches with olives and grapes?" Tina chirped dropping her bag in the spare bedroom.

"Yeah and cinnamon rolls with guacamole!" I added.

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