Chapter 6

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Jemma's Pov:

I woke up feeling the most relaxed I can ever remember feeling. When I tried to snuggle deeper into my warm comforter it squeezed me a little...

Jemma comforters don't squeeze..

I crack an eye open to see my super warm and snugglely blanket is actually Michael. Mmm I can so get used to waking up in his arms.

I pull a total creeper move and watch him sleep for a few minutes thinking about what he said last night. I wonder if he has stronger feelings then friendship for me. I mean he did kiss me a couple of times...

Or were those just comfort kisses?

"Jems I know I'm sexy but you can blink ya know" Michael's hoarse voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry Mikey I was just thinking about things."

"Yeah today's a big day, So how about you go get your cute little butt ready while I make us some breakfast then we can head over to your old house. I'll get you some sweats and a shirt to wear."


"Alright I think that's the last of it." I finally announce handing Michael the last box of my things.

I decided to basically take everything but my furniture. We've been here 4 hours and I'm beat. Too bad I don't have time for a nap before I go meet Tom. I'm nervous about it but Michael's coming with me and we're meeting at a restaurant.

 So things cant get too bad right?

"Damn Jems how can one person have so many boxes of clothes. I mean hello, you only have one body. I'm not going to even get started on your shoe collection. That was just scary!" Michael complained as he hefted the last box into the back of his truck.

"Oh ha ha dork, I already explained that I have different kinds of clothes for different reasons. Plus hello a girl can never have too many shoes! Besides the day I get rid of something will be the day I actually end up needing it. Then I'll have to go shopping and waste time and money. So in the long run it just makes sense to keep it all!" I reason maturely but ruin it by sticking my tongue out at him playfully.

"Careful Jems, you keep sticking that tongue out and I may have to do something to it" He winks then walks out leaving me picturing what he'd to my tongue.

Did the heater just kick on?

We pull up to Joe's Crab Shack and Michael puts the car in park. I sit there for a minute silently reassuring myself that I've already heard the big stuff so now it's just the details.

Michael grabs my hand and kisses the inside of my palm. 

I like that gesture.

"It's gonna be okay sweetheart. I'm not gonna let anything hurt you. We're just going to have a nice late lunch and learn some new information. See, nothing to worry about. It's just like school, ya know learning, eating and hey your favorite teacher too. So yep just like school. I gotcha, love. Now lets go get some crabs!! Yum Yum" he says while rubbing his belly.

My heart fluttered at his use of the L word. Is that what this feeling is? Does he feel it too?

 Then reality kicks in and I remember it's a friendly love. 

Or just an expression and absolutely nothing to get worked up about. 

Mentally sighing at my stupid thoughts, I get out.

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