Chapter 18

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Jemma's Pov:

I woke up and rolled over and looked at Michael. My fiancé! I rubbed my hand across his chest.

"Wake up baby we gotta get ready for school."

He groaned and captured my hand in his kissing my palm. "Five more minutes Sweetheart. You wore me out last night."

I giggled and hopped out of bed.

I was a little tender. So I took a hot shower to loosen my muscles. I got out and slipped on one of Michael's shirts and my panties.

I cooked bacon, eggs and toast. I was in the middle of fixing Michael a plate when I felt him slip his arms around me. "

Mmm Morning Love." He murmured against my neck.

"Morning baby, I made breakfast. So eat up"

He nibbled on my ear and said "I would love to but I'm thinking you might be a little sore."

I laughed and swatted his hand. "I was talking about the food, horndog!"

He laughed and grabbed his plate. "I know but you look damn sexy in my shirt! Turns my mind to very naughty things."

I walked into first period with a huge smile on my face. Kimmie looked up at me "I take it you had a good birthday Chickadee."

I laughed and nodded. "The best!"

"OMG Is that an engagement ring?" She squealed jumping out of her desk and yanking my hand up to her face. I hadn't thought about the reaction I'd get wearing it.

"That hot guy Skip proposed!! That is so cool! Tell me everything!"

Before I could say anything Michael walked over.

"Kimmie as awesome as Jemma's personal life is, We have a lesson to begin so take your seat."

I took my seat next to his desk. He turned towards me. "Thank you" I mouthed. He winked and class started.

I took my ring off and slid it on my chain. I don't want any gossip. I got on Michael's computer and booked our flight and hotel for Thanksgiving weekend. 

We'll fly out Thursday night and be back Sunday night. That way we can still do lunch with his family before we go. I confirmed my purchase and printed the receipts.

Michael gave the class the last five minutes free time and came over to his desk.

"Comfy?" He asked sitting in my chair since I was in his.

"Yep" I said popping the p. I leaned down and grabbed the receipts from the printer.

"What's that?"

"Well I hope you don't mind sir but I printed out receipts for some stuff I just bought."

"Hmm, no problem. Buy anything interesting?"

"As a matter of fact I just got a weekend getaway for my .... boyfriend" I would have said fiancé but you never know who's listening.

"That's very nice of you. He must be a great guy" He said with a sly smile.

"I think so"

He laughed and was about to say something when Kimmie plopped down on his desk.

"So tell me everything! When are you and Skip getting married? OMG are you pregnant?" She screeched. Everyone turned towards us. 

I sighed.

"Kimmie get off my desk and learn some volume control for Christ's sake! That is exactly how rumors get started" Michael said looking beyond annoyed.

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