Chapter 24

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Jemma's Pov:

"Maybe you should stay home today." Michael suggested for the tenth time since I woke up.

I rolled my eyes at his worry wort tone. "Relax Mike, I feel fine this morning. Besides you know that I have to go to school or Tina and Robby Pop will be all over our asses about this weekend."

He chuckled. "So when are you gonna tell them?"

I gulped the last of my milk down. "I don't know. I was thinking maybe at lunch. At least that way I know there will be too many witnesses for her to actually kill me."

I sighed. "Maybe we should invite everyone over for a big dinner and tell them all at once?"

"Whatever you want to do Love. Let me know whatcha decide. I'll see you in class."

I kissed him goodbye and grabbed my stuff for school.

Tina and Robby were by my locker. "So how was your weekend in sin city? Get married by Elvis or something?" Robby teased.

My eyes widened and his narrowed. I gave him a look that said not now. Tina looked up from her phone. "Sorry guys Skip texted me. What'd I miss?"

Robby pasted on a fake smile. "Oh nothing. Jems was just telling me she was gonna let me borrow her car after school so I can run a few errands."

"I was?"

He smiled brightly "Yep right after you said how awesome your Vegas trip was."

Ughh that butthead was blackmailing me.

 He smiled even bigger when I narrowed my eyes.

 I gave him the keys.

"If you scratch my baby I will cut your balls off with kiddie scissors. Got it?"

He laughed "Whatever you say Sweet cheeks."

Tina's phone buzzed and she texted whoever it was back. She was oddly quiet this morning. Her head came up and she met my eyes.

Oh no something is wrong.

I pushed Robby Pop out of the way and grabbed Tina and pulled her to the girls bathroom. There were a few girls in there and I know how Tina is about people seeing her cry. So I kept her behind me and gave the girls my best bitch look.

"Get out."

They didn't move so I raised my voice. "I SAID GET THE HELL OUT NOW!!"

They scurried to grab their things and left.

"Thank you" I called out as the door began to close.

I spun on my heels and saw my teary eyed best friend. "Spill" I ordered.

She flung herself into my arms and hugged the life out of me. I rubbed her back while she sobbed on my shoulder. I didn't push her anymore to talk. She'd tell me when she was ready. Her sniffles died down and I reached over to hand her some tissue.

I led her to the sink counter and I hopped on. She usually jumps up next to me but she just stayed there by my legs.

She finally looked up. "I'm scared." She whispered woefully.

Crazier words have never been spoken. Tina was always fearless.

"What's up baby cakes?" I asked pulling her into another hug.

"I just told Skip I was pregnant."

I did a double take. "Sorry sweetie did you just say that you were pregnant?"

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