Chapter 13

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Jemma's Pov:

I was about to walk out the door to my car. I had ten minutes to get to school on time.

"Whoa there muffin butt! You're riding with me today. Remember dear, we're in love and people in love cant bare to spend any time away from each other" He winked and grabbed my hand.

"When are you leaving? Because I already know you're gonna give me hell until then." I whined.

"Is that any way to talk to your man? The love of your life? The peanut butter to your jelly? The ham to your cheese? The shampoo to your conditioner?"

I tried not laughing but he's so goofy, I couldn't help it. "Ya know I think from now on I'll call you Shakespeare. Since you have such a way with words." I teased

"Yep, I'm just that awesome, it's a gift. The entire male population wishes they could run game like me."

"Come on Shakespeare. I gotta get to class" I said dragging him to his car.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah we wouldn't want you being late to that jerkoff Mr. Jenkins class. I heard he set his last teacher's aid's hair on fire because they were two minutes tardy! That man treats his T.A's so unfairly. He's like a slave driver. Always yelling and demanding they make more copies or pass out papers. It's total madness! We should duct tape him to the flag pole as retaliation for his cruel, cruel behavior!"

"Ok har, har, I get your point. It's not like he'll punish us for being a few minutes late. I just want to get school over with already. Get the drama done and over with and just go home for a nice peaceful night." I explained

"Oh, muffin butt you are so sadly misinformed. The real drama wont start until after school. Mom's coming. Yay!!" he clapped like an excited toddler.

"Seriously don't bring that up right now. I'm gonna deal with one crisis at a time. Right now that's school. After that I'll worry about meeting y'alls parents... Just a quick question..... What happens if she hates me?" I asked as we walked into the school.

He kissed my forehead and tucked some hair behind my ear. "Cheer up kiddo. She'll love you. Dontcha worry about a thing. Shakespeare's gotcha covered!" He patted my back.

At my skeptical look he rolled his eyes. "She'll see the same thing I saw. That Mike is back because of you and then she'll fall crazy in love with you and try to adopt you and you'll become her favorite child. Mike will get totally butt hurt cause then it'd be incest and you know what? Do not, whatever you do, do not let that woman adopt you!!" He panted and pretended to look miserable.

"You my friend are so strange." I laughed at his antics.

"Yes, muffin butt, but I got you to laugh and not worry so much. So I'm actually a genius!" He stated with a wink.

We walked into class just as the bell rang. Michael wasn't here. Is it starting already? Jeez that woman works fast!

Mr. Newhart walked in.

"Attention everyone. Mr. Jenkins has some business to take care of so I'm covering your class. He said to have you work from your books. Pages 64-70 will be due tomorrow. Just let me know if you need any help."

About 15 minutes later I was called to the principal's office over the class intercom. Skip leaned closer to me and whispered so no one could hear.

"This is it. Just remember what we talked about. I'll text you in a bit. Leave your ringer on and check the message. The principal will be curious so let him read it. See you in a bit lil sis"

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