Welcome to Beach City

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In the deepest reaches of our galaxy, an extremely rare material was forming.


Rothaboldus was known to kill all who came in contact with it.

In 17 years, it would land on Earth.

Rural London, January 3rd 1990

"Alright, one good push should do it." The soon to be mother screamed as she pushed out her baby.

The baby in her arms cried from the brightness of the world. "Time of birth, 4:30 AM.", one of the nurses stated, writing it down on a clipboard. She then cut the umbilical cord. "Congratulations, June... you've given birth to a beautiful baby girl."

June's wife, Frank, held the child carefully. "Oh, she has your nose...", one of them whispered. "She has your beautiful eyes..."

The baby opened her eyes, very slowly. "Hello my beautiful baby girl... it's me... your mommy..."

"And I'm your daddy...", the father whispered. He held his finger out. "You're going to be a star one day." The newborn held the finger. "Aw... it's trying to say hello..."

"..he-wo..." Everybody gasped. "Oh! My baby's first words! Quick, get the camera!", June excitedly cheered. Frank got the camera from the bag.

"Say it again, hello."

"He-wo." She giggled. "Alright, I got the birth certificate, what would you like to name your new bundle of joy?"

"We've been talking about this, and we decided to name her Sardonyx."

When they got home, June placed Sardonyx in her crib, slowly rocking her to sleep. "Welcome to the family, my little Sardonyx...", they whispered as she fell asleep.

When she was three, she started preschool.

This is when things became obvious.

Sardonyx's preschool teacher, Mrs Holly, found her doing some multiplication.

Mrs Holly peered over her shoulder. "Oh my... Sardonyx, this is far beyond what most people your age know, this is amazing."

She had done all the questions correctly.

"Yes, I'm calling about Sardonyx. Her intellect is rather superior for her age.", she told her parents over the telephone. "I found her doing multiplication, and she has all the problems correct." Her parents gasped.

They got her tested to see if she was a child prodigy, just because they were interested.

She was.

"Oh my."

"We might have a better curriculum idea for her."

Sardonyx was put in her first grade class. When she walked in, everybody seemed amazed that a three year old was in first grade, when usually they were five or six.

The little genius excelled in elementary school. And middle school.

Her home life consisted of waking up every morning to the smell of her mother finishing breakfast. Usually, it was a batch of pancakes or French toast. Some days, eggs and hash browns.

Whenever Sardonyx got the chance during her school's free hour, she didn't really play. While she did indeed play a game of jump rope or tag or hopscotch, or even a little basketball now and again, she often liked to read a book. In fact, one time, her teacher even gave her an award for "Bookworm Of The Year". Of course, it wasn't a real award, but it was still nice.

But as we all know, all backstories have a beginning, a middle...

And a twist.

Welcome to Beach City. A normal oceanside town, population 750. It had stores, restaurants, a school system, a popular theme park, Beach City Funland, an arcade, and television studios.

Yes, Beach City is a perfectly normal town.

This is the tale of two people, a normal boy named Steven Universe, and a not so normal girl named Sardonyx Lane. Steven and his family just moved into the quiet and peaceful town of Beach City. Sardonyx arrived just two days earlier.

He expected it to be a normal town. He expected to at least make one friend on his first day. While he did make a friend, it was... not what he expected.

But it was what he needed.

Steven is about to discover something.

What he is going to discover soon is, something that will change his life, and the town, forever.

Steven woke up to his alarm clock beeping. Turning it off, Steven heard his door open. His mother, Pearl walked in. "Steven, now that we're moved into our new house, we need to unpack. I want you to start with your room, then come downstairs to help me with the silverware." He nodded. "Alright, be down in a few."

He had just moved into Beach City a day ago. From what he had heard, nothing much happens in the quiet and small town of Beach City. Boy, he was going to be wrong.

Amethyst was watching TV while Steven had lunch. She was mostly into Transformers at the time. Although none of it made sense, there were robots. Amethyst loved robots. Suddenly, breaking news showed up. "Steven, come here for a minute!" Amethyst called. Steven walked in, after finishing his sandwich.

"Uh.. what is it Amethyst?" He asked curiously.  Amethyst directed his attention to the TV.

Good evening I'm Ron Burgundy... At approximately 3:15 PM today, a strange figure was spotted near the Beach City shopping district. Police say they don't have a visual on the suspect in question at the moment, and citizens are advised to stay away from the district for their own safety while investigation occurs. Here is a rough drawing of the suspect. According to a bystander, it looked to have four arms, and triangular hair.

In other, possibly related news, a circus act has gone missing from Mr Duncan's Traveling Circus. After a fire broke out a few nights ago, all the performers were trapped in a blaze caused by an electric power box. Luckily, nobody was seriously hurt, but one of their signature acts, the 20 foot tall woman, has gone missing. This may or may not be related to the current figure. Further information will be given when available.

The two looked at each other. "Dude... you should totally go capture it!" Amethyst said. "But it might be dangerous! I might be taken from you and Mom! What if I get hurt? What if I never see you again?"

"Steven... trust me... you'll be safe."

He sighed. "Alright... but I feel sorry for that circus performer... they must've gotten lost..."


"Oh no...", she thought as she read the newspaper article. She knew that soon, somebody would be after her. "...No... I can't let myself become a public menace... I'm not that..."

In a fit of rage, she scribbled out what was written. She didn't have enough to erase the toxic waste plant, and text reading "The monster has been identified as...", so she tossed it and hoped nobody would see it, even though it wasn't even her who they thought it was.

That night, Steven prepared to capture the monster. He grabbed his net, a flashlight, and a walkie-talkie to communicate with Amethyst. Suddenly, his door swung open. "Dude, you ready?" Amethyst said, popping her head in. Although the child was a bit shocked, he straightened himself and said, "Y-Yeah...". He was a bit against capturing it, since he was afraid it might fight back. Amethyst ushered him outside, shutting the door. No turning away now.

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