A Day With The Monster (Part 1)

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The light of the early rising sun cast onto the sleepy town of Beach City. Two particular residents were waking up. Steven, and his new friend, whom he didn't know too well.

Twelve year old Steven Universe was asleep in his bedroom, nestled underneath the warmth of his Superman blankets. Some of the things around his room included, but were not limited to, a television, a GameCube, a small stack of comics and game magazines, his computer, and a series of posters of his favorite movies.

Pearl slowly turned the doorknob to her son's room, pushing the door open. Steven continued to rest as she walked to his window, opening to curtains and letting the light into the room. The light awoke Steven. "Good morning, Steven."

"Good morning, Mom. I have to meet with a friend." Pearl smiled. "Oh, you're already making a friend! If you want, we could arrange a slumber party or something like that?" He thought. "I need to think about that.", he replied. "Whatever the case is, I won't be home until about five or so. While I'm gone, your sister is in charge." Steven liked when Amethyst was in charge.

Steven sat on the couch, watching Pearl drive to the diner. Amethyst sat next to him. "Okay bro, you know the rules. You can leave the house, but when the street lights turn on, come back. Don't use the oven, don't answer the door, you know the drill."

Steven got his cheeseburger backpack. "Alright. I'm going to hang out with a new friend. I'll be back in a little bit." He walked outside, going to his new friend's home.

Steven walked to the tree where the strange person he met was currently admiring the view of the city. "... hi again, it's me..." he said, waving. She turned to him. He gasped in amazement. Not only was the person he saw last night still here, but she was so different in the light of the sun, compared to the dark.

Steven was so small compared to her. She was roughly 20 feet in height, and she had two additional arms and eyes. She wore a pink ripped tank top without the straps, and cargo shorts. She was barefoot, and also had triangular hair that was a creamy-pale color.

The boy looked up to her, still amazed by her size. "I just came to see how you're doing... and because my sister told me I needed to.", Steven explained, watching her stand up. "Sorry for running away from you, I was kinda scared you'd hurt me." She smiled, feeling a sense of happiness that she made a friend. "Aw, you forgive me?"

The monster in front of him nodded to respond. "...are you too nervous to speak?"

The 20 foot woman nodded. "Hey, don't be nervous. I'm sure you sound great. Come on, let's hear it."

Rolling her eyes and smiling, the being looked to him. "So, what do you think?", she asked. It sounded like a symphony of all the most elegant songs, condensed into a single sentence. "Wow! Your voice is amazing!", he exclaimed.

"Oh, thank you dear. And your voice sounds just as amazing yourself too."

The giantess gasped, before giggling. "Oh my goodness, how forgetful of me. I should tell you what my name is so you don't forget too."

She kneeled down, coming to Steven's eye level as best she could. Her black eyes twinkled like stars as she met his gaze. Before she could say her name, she saw that Steven was still a bit nervous.

"Please don't be afraid. I mean you no harm, darling." Steven looked up to her. "But I saw all those movies before about monsters that go on a rampage."

She chuckled, holding his hand. "I assure you, dumpling. You can trust me. I wouldn't do such a thing like that, especially to a kind young human like you. You're just far too sweet. Besides, it's just like your mother said, looks don't make the person." Steven felt a little less nervous. "Alright... sorry, I'm not really used to people this tall."

"Oh, it's quite alright. I understand exactly where you're coming from with that. Humans are just so small compared to me. Most are about five feet tall, maybe six at most. But onto what I was going to say before, my name."

She crouched down as far down as she could to meet the child's eye level.

"I'm Sardonyx. And you're Steven, correct? Like you told me last night?" He nodded, remembering last night. "It's just so nice to properly meet you, Steven. Do you like my name?"

"That's a really great name! It sounds like you're from royalty!"

Sardonyx's eyes widened, amazed by what he said. "Oh my stars, you're just too kind!", the girl replied. "Yeah. Again, I'm really sorry about last night." Sardonyx just sighed, looking at her shadow. "No, no, it's okay, I'm not angry. It would've been the natural reaction of any human who hasn't seen or heard of me to panic like that."

"...is something wrong?", he asked. "No, it's nothing." Steven's stomach rumbled.

After agreeing on what to have for breakfast, they eventually decided on a breakfast of champions: donuts.

"I'll be right back, I'll get them for us.", Steven told her, running to Big Donut. "It is a rather long walk... wouldn't you rather me take you there?"

Steven looked up to her. "What do you mean?", he asked. Sardonyx placed one of her lower two hands on the grass. "Take a seat, I'll handle the transport for you." The boy sat on Sardonyx's hand, and she slowly brought it up to her eye level. Because of the difference in height, Sardonyx could walk long distances in a short time.

The walk there was amazing. Steven got to see the town in a whole new perspective. "Sardonyx, this view is amazing! You get to see this everyday?!?", he asked, amazed.

"I get these kinds of views just standing. It's incredible! I get to do all sorts of extraordinary things that most of you couldn't!"

Her expression changed from excitement to disappointment. This human... he was so small compared to her. In fact, if you put them next to each other, the human was barely up to her knee in height.

"Although, I often wonder what it would all be like if I could just be smaller."

"...But why? You're amazing! You're like a giant princess!"

Sardonyx rolled her eyes, chuckling. "Aw... you little charmer. But it's not that. See... I just... want to live a normal life... I want to be small... like you. I just want to find a way to turn into a normal person..."

Steven looked up at her. "No, no, you shouldn't think that! This is amazing! You're like, gigantic! You're so big, you're unique!"

Sardonyx sighed, looking at her hand. "Well... alright. I'll give it a chance."

They already were there. She set him down. "I'll meet you back at the tree, darling." He nodded, watching as Sardonyx turned, beginning to walk to her tree, leaving a medium sized shadow over him.

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