Sardonyx's Birthday

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Life went pretty smooth for Sardonyx. Nothing wrong happened for a while. New Years came and went, Sardonyx knew the tradition of kissing somebody special at midnight, so her and Sabina did.

Sardonyx found herself with the ability to make her extra arms and eyes disappear and reappear, and her skin to turn normal. She felt... satisfied.

January 3rd.

Her alarm clock woke her up. Sardonyx yawned, stretching as she awoke. Sitting up in bed, she looked at her calendar after turning the alarm off. Quickly, after seeing what today was, she got dressed and ran into Steven's room. He was still asleep, his 3DS in hand.

Looks like somebody likes his Christmas present, she thought. Sardonyx giggled, gently nudging him to wake him. "Wake up, darling. Today's a very special day."

Steven opened his eyes to find Sardonyx excitedly standing there. "Good morning, dear. Do you know what today is?"

"Your birthday!", he happily cheered.

"Yes! I'm turning a whole 21 years old today! This is just so exciting! Oh, sorry if I startled you."

"No, it's okay... I was up anyways."

Sardonyx came down with the 13 year old to the smell of freshly made pancakes. Amethyst had already finished hers, so she was out to do some shopping.

The two finished their pancakes. Pearl had Steven stay behind as Sardonyx left for work. "I'll be having you stay home today.", she told him. "Why?"

"Well, this is her big 21st birthday... and Christmas wasn't the best experience, so I'm wanting to make up for it. I need your help. Today, you'll be helping us make a surprise party for her. Amethyst is around town getting the food, we just need you to pick up the cookies."

Steven went to the store to get the cookies. Strangely, it was pretty warm for January, at about 70 degrees. He turned the corner and saw a familiar man. It was the man that Sardonyx told him about, that she met at the circus.

"Mr Duncan?"

"Sorry, no autographs. Autographs are at four."

"No, it isn't that... see, my friend Sardonyx is celebrating her 21st birthday toda-"

Mr Duncan was in shock. "W-Who?" Steven cleared his throat. "Sardonyx."

"She's still alive? Where?"

"At the junior high, she's our science teacher."

Sardonyx was covering for the science teacher, while they were in the hospital for a skiing accident. Currently, she was putting on some Bill Nye, since it was "Fun Friday". "Okay, so I have a couple tapes... photosynthesis or sound?", Sardonyx asked the class. Suddenly, an announcement came on. "Sardonyx Lane, you have a visitor." Sardonyx put the tape of sound on and then left to the office to find Mr Duncan.

"Sardonyx, hello..."

Sardonyx cried tears of joy as she hugged him. "It's you! I thought you died...!" Mr Duncan wiped some tears off her face. "We all are alright... just a question, why are you smaller?"

"It's quite a long story. I'll try to only include the important things."

So when the circus caught on fire, I left for civilization.

I found Beach City, and met Steven.

Then I sort of met the most beautiful girl in the entire world, Sabina.

My parents died, then I got married.

"...and that's how I met Steven, and my girlfriend Sabina..."

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