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"Okay sweetie, get the toboggan, time to go sledding!", Sardonyx's mother called. Running upstairs to the attic, she searched.

Boxes, football, boxes again, ah, here it is. Nine year old Sardonyx pulled the toboggan out and walked to the car. Her and her mother then went to the sled hill.

About sixteen other sledders were there when she arrived. Sardonyx and her mom got to the top of the hill and prepared to go down. "Okay, here we go!"

Immediately, they pushed and the two of them went down. It was pretty fast, not to mention fun. Sardonyx has the most enjoyment, due to sitting at the front. It was like a rollercoaster.

...except they were only going down, not one of those up and down and up again coasters. It was like one of those launch coasters that gained speed from the start.

They both were having fun until they hit a bump. Sardonyx was ejected from the toboggan. "Sweetie!"

She landed against another tobogganer. Er... toboggan rider? Whatever it's called. This person just so happened to be a he roughest, toughest person in her entire seventh-grade class.


Just as Rick was about to punch Sardonyx, her mother ran over. "Don't you dare lay a finger on my little girl!", June shouted. Rick's dad walked over. "What's going on over here?", he asked. Sardonyx, still quite angry, yelled "Well, your son thinks he can just clobber me!", before her mother interrupted. "Well, yes. She has also told me a number of times before that he has been bullying her at school too."

They all looked at him angrily. "Is this true? Answer with full honesty.", his dad told him. Rick sweated. "Okay, it's true."

With that, the father grabbed him by the ear as he lead him to the car. "There will be major consequences when we get home, and we are switching schools."

Sardonyx was crying the whole time, starting after she landed, holding her knee. "Oh, it's okay sweetie. Let's take a look at that knee."

There was a small cut that was bleeding. "Oh my... let's get you home."

Sardonyx was put on her bed as her mother applied a bandage. She had plenty of experience in this field, as most mothers do with all of the boo-boos and cuts. "Well, take it easy for the rest of the day. I'll bring up your lunch in about an hour. I'll give you the TV remote."

Sardonyx went to the store to pick up some Christmas gifts. Sardonyx had the list. Here is what it was.

Steven: Nintendo 3DS with some games
Amethyst: A new tank top
Pumpkin: A new chew toy

But she had the best gift in mind for Sabina.
A beautiful glass bird. She found all of them in about one hour.

Wrapping them all, Sardonyx prepared to go to bed.

Tomorrow was Christmas Eve.

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