"I'm a monster..."

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Life can, as mentioned before, be a chaotic bullet train. But at times, it can also be a fun one, or a good one.

At lunch, Steven got a call. He went into his room to take it.


She ran in excitedly. "What is it?"

"I got a call from the hospital! Your parents aren't dead! They were just in a coma, and they woke up from it."

Almost immediately, Sardonyx leapt into Sabina's hug. "Steven? Are you surely just joking?"

"No. They're coming here, to see how you're doing..."

When her parents arrived, her mother immediately looked at her. "Sardonyx..." She hugged her. "Mom, you're okay..."

"Why are you normal though?", her father asked. "Long story... might want to sit down for this."

They all sat down on the couch. Sardonyx explained what happened. Her mother and father were shocked when she said she was shot. "And that's how I met my wife Sabina... and my best friend Steven."

"Sardonyx, you are just... braver than anybody I've seen. I mean, you stopped a meteorite... you're out here, hunting a criminal... I'm so proud of you...", her father said before hugging her. "Thanks..."

That night, Sardonyx decided to stay in her parent's room. She let them tuck her in like in London. "It's just so great that you're okay...", her mother whispered. Sardonyx blushed. "Thanks, you don't really need to... to flatter....", she said before falling asleep.

The next morning after they had their breakfast, Sardonyx brought them into a beautiful field to show them her height. "Now, I'm going to become a little larger, please don't be intimidated by my size. I swear to you, I'm of no harm to you."

"We know that, sweetie." Sardonyx made herself grow to about 15 feet, to the amazement of the two family members in front of her. Sardonyx kneeled down to eye level. "I know you're amazed, but you'll just be a little more amazed when I do this."

Sardonyx backed up about 5 to 8 steps and spawned her extra arms in. She made them rotate and made herself hover a few inches. "Sardonyx, did you learn this at the circus?", her father asked, still amazed. "No, I just picked it up..."

She made her extra arms go away and she shrank to normal. Her parents applauded.

That night, she was currently relaxing on her bed. "Feeling good?", Steven asked her. Sardonyx nodded. "So we found where Ronaldo is hiding out. His hideout is an old abandoned house that was under Construction. Tonight, you can go and surprise him.

Ronaldo was prepared though. He had setup some... security.

Sardonyx arrived at the address. "Hope this is right..."

She walked to the door. "Obviously, he won't leave the door unlocked, so..." She tried the door, it was locked. "Called it."

Sardonyx saw a nearby ladder next to a window. She went for the ladder but tripped over a tripwire and landed in mud. "Wait... this happened before. Strange... Oh, never mind, it's only mud."

Sardonyx wipes some off her and took the ladder, then climbed it to the attic. There she saw it was dark, so she flicked the light switch. A baseball launcher started firing balls at her. It had been wired to the light switch. The balls immediately caused her to fall over the railing and down the stairs. "Oh my... that horrible..."

She turned to the doorknob leading to the second floor. Touching it, it dumped water on her. She cried in absolute fright for a moment, wondering what could be in the following rooms... maybe something even worse...

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