The Driver's Test

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Sardonyx waited for her second period math class. Steven walked in. "Oh? It's not second period... but if you need some additional lessons, I suppose I could manage..."

"No, it's not that. It's just... I came to see if you were worried about teaching after what happened a couple days ago...", Steven asked. Sardonyx readjusted her glasses. "No, I'm fine."

When the class began, Sardonyx drew five squares on the chalkboard, and shaded in 3 of them.

"Now then, on the board, you'll see five boxes. But only three of them are shaded in.", Sardonyx began. She then drew a percentage sign. "And that is a percentage. A percentage is a portion of a group of objects. For instance..."

Sardonyx's lesson was going very well, and she seemed really into it. "...Now using the information on the board, finish the sheets I am handing ou-"

An announcement came on. "May I have your attention please. Mrs Lane, report to my office as soon as possible." Sardonyx looked to Steven. "Steven? Could you pass out the papers on my desk?" Steven began to pass out the papers as Sardonyx made her way to the office.

"You wanted to see me?", Sard asked as she walked in. A man in a slick blue tuxedo was next to Sabina. He had a clipboard and pencil. "Sardonyx, I'd like to introduce Mr. Wilkinson. Your driving instructor."

A couple days ago, Sardonyx signed up for a driving test, so she could drive on her own.

They entered a green station wagon. Sabina decided to go with them. "Okay, so first drive up to that green cone.", Mr. Wilkinson instructed. Sardonyx slowly stepped on the gas and moved to the cone. After applying the brakes, Mr. Wilkinson pointed out a sign pointing left. "Now then, turn left and then stop at that red sign."

The test went smoothly. The worst that happened is that Sardonyx bumped over a cone. But instead of scolding her, the three of them laughed. However, when they reached the end...

"Okay, now drive to that cone and stop. Your test will be evaluated there." Sardonyx began to drive over, but the wheel came off. "Oh-"

Sardonyx tried to put it back on as they spun this way and that, all around the parking lot. Mr Wilkinson managed to snap it back on, but when they looked they were headed towards the playground, where currently, an entire school of children were currently playing, unaware of the out-of-control car. Sardonyx slammed into the brakes and they stopped...

Just before they hit anybody.

Mr. Wilkinson smiled. "Sardonyx Lane, may I speak to you?"

Sardonyx stepped out of the car and walked to Mr. Wilkinson. Sardonyx began to worry. He's going to fail my drivers test, I know it, Sardonyx thought to herself. Mr. Wilkinson shook her hand. "Your skills have prevented this accident from turning into a horrible crime scene. No other driver would have this amount of shaft wits, which is why I am pleased to give you... your license."

With that, Mr. Wilkinson handed Sardonyx her license and walked away. Sard hugged Sabina. "Permission to go on break? I need a pick me up."

Sabina nodded. "Alright, enjoy your break, babe."

Sardonyx got into the station wagon and drove to a local restaurant.

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