Sardonyx's Perfect Christmas

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The morning snow came down slowly. The children playing outside. Pearl watching some Christmas special downstairs. All this matched the feeling that was Christmas Day.

This day was the day that Steven's family exchanged gifts. The day that they had a beautiful ham for dinner. The day that Cousin Smokey would come over. The day that Sardonyx would learn that Christmas was not just for enjoyment. Christmas was...

Sardonyx woke up to the sound of her door opening. Amethyst let Pumpkin into Sardonyx's room. The cat walked over and sniffed her face, waking her. "Hey lil guy... or girl, don't really know your gender."

Steven ran over excitedly. "Sardonyx! Today's Christmas!", he exclaimed. "I know, aren't you just excited? Oh! I actually have some good news..."

Sardonyx made room on her bed for Steven to get on. She opened her phone and showed the photo of Santa. Steven couldn't believe it. Sardonyx has met the man he thought was a myth. "You... met Santa?"

"Yes. Wait until you hear this."

Sardonyx explained what she did, delivering the gifts to the children's hospital. Just as she did, Amethyst walked in. "Hey Pumpkin. Breakfast?"

"Amethyst! Sardonyx saw Santa, and delivered presents to the children's hospital!", he told Amethyst. "Woah."

And that's all she could say. Woah.

Pumpkin ran to the kitchen for breakfast. Amethyst followed. "We're opening gifts in a few minutes. We invited you-know-who."

Sardonyx remembered. She ran to her desk and pulled open the drawer that housed Sabina's glass bird.

In it's place she found broken shards.

"Oh no..."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Sardonyx looked out the window to find Sabina. "This is going to be so embarrassing...", she whispered to herself.

"Hey P."

"Hello Sabina, merry Christmas, enjoying the morning?", Pearl asked. "Yeah. So where's Sardonyx?"

"She's upstairs in her room."

Sabina walked up to Sardonyx's room. The door was locked. "Sardonyx, are you in there?"

"Go away..."

"Sard... it's me."

Sardonyx solemnly walked over and unlocked the door. The pink-haired woman opened it to find her girlfriend with tears in her face, as if she had been crying. "W-Why are you crying? What happened? Did you have a nightmare?"

"No... it's the gift to you... it was a little glass bird, but..."

She revealed the broken shards. "Oh my...", Sabina uttered. She looked to find Sardonyx tearing up. "It was supposed to be the perfect Christmas gift for you... It was supposed to be a  great gift..."

"Babe... it's okay. Come on, let's go open our gifts."

The gifts were great. Steven got his 3DS, Amethyst got her tank top, Pearl got some new slippers. Pumpkin was satisfied with her chew toy. "Aw..."

Sabina handed Sardonyx a gift. "Go on, open it." Sardonyx tore open the wrapping paper like her life depended on it. In it was some socks.

"Oh... t-thank you...", she mumbled, slightly smiling. "You alright?"

"Me? Oh, just dandy..."

"Well, I just got a text from Smokey's mother.", Pearl said walking into the room. "Smokey's caught a fever, she's staying home. So she unfortunately can not visit." Sardonyx gasped. "Oh my... tell her get well soon for me."

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