Screentime with Steven

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Steven logged into his computer, went to YouTube and made an account. Thinking on what the name should be, he decided on StevenLikesCake. After getting his tripod ready, he made his first video. When he hit the record button, he showed the camera his DS. "Okay, so I just got this awesome new DS, and I'm going to open the box and-" He had an idea. Turning off the camera, he went to Sardonyx. Rainbow had left to go back home. "Sardonyx? Uh... I'm making a YouTube channel, want to be in a video?", Steven asked. "We could change more than just this town's mind!" Sardonyx smiled, turning to Steven after brushing her hair. "Oh! Of course!" Steven turned on the camera.

"Everybody, meet Sardonyx.", Steven said as the camera turned on. Sardonyx waved to the camera. "She's a little different than most people, and her backstory is top secret, but she's a good friend." Sardonyx looked at the camera. "I wouldn't harm anybody, not even a fly. Problems should be solved with peace and words...", Sardonyx said. Steven, still looking at Sardonyx, smiled. "I'm from London, and all that I can say is that I'm a mutation. B-But that doesn't mean I'm a monster! You should never judge anyone by their looks. For all you know, they might be rather nice!"

After finishing her statement, Sardonyx smiled as well. Steven turned off the camera.

"Oh, before I forget, here's the costume Connie made you.", he said before giving Sardonyx the Pumpkin hat. "Oh, it's adorable! Let me just try it on..." Sardonyx slipped the hat onto her head. "How do I look?" Steven looked up at her, seeing the hat. "It looks great! I think Connie did a great job!", he complimented. "I'll go upload the video, and bring out your dinner. Amethyst's making egg rolls today!", Steven said walking inside.

After editing and uploading the video, he brought Sardonyx about three egg rolls, since they were small for quite a large being. Eating his egg roll, Steven began to watch videos on YouTube. Curious, he decided to see how many views his video of Sardonyx got. But first he decided to watch just one more funny fail compilation.

As Sardonyx watered her plants, she looked at the moon. To her, it seemed like a big glowing rock. She kept getting flashbacks of London, when she had that transformation. If she hadn't touched that rock, she wouldn't have become who she was, she would've been living with her mom and dad, she still could be smaller, living a great life... but on the other hand, if she didn't take the rock, she wouldn't meet Steven, Connie or the love of her life. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out her parent's number. "It's worth a shot...", Sardonyx whispered to herself, before knocking on Steven's window.

"Hey, I know it's a bit weird, but... can I use your phone? I need to call my mom.", Sardonyx asked Steven. "Of course! Uh... would it be easier for me to dial her, since, well.. size?", Steven said, pulling his phone out from his desk. The woman nodded, handing Steven her parent's number, and watching him dial it. After he finished, he put it on speaker. This is how the conversation went:

Note: M: Mom
D: Dad
SA: Sardonyx
ST: Steven

M: Hello?
SA: Hey mom, it's me.
M: Sardonyx? This is you?
SA: Yeah...
M: H-Hold on a moment.

June joyfully walked over to Frank, who was currently writing out a check. "Honey, Sardonyx is on the phone, I figured you'd want to speak with her?", she asked. "Of course."
D: Hey, my little sugarplum Sard!
SA: (Blushing) Dad.. you're embarrassing me in front of my friend...
M: Oh, you're making friends over in America? Perfect, I was worried with your different look and all, you'd just be locking yourself from society, how's the circus?
SA: (frowning a little) It... kinda burned down. See, I- (She covered her mouth)
D: Oh, that's terrible! Sorry that happened...
SA: (shed a tear) Yeah... it's ok. I have a new friend at least... Steven?
ST: Hi Ms. Sardonyx...
D: Hey, you sure we don't have a rock star on the phone?
SA: (blushing again) Dad, stop! (Giggle)
D: Sorry, had to. I mean his voice is great. We adopted a boy while you were gone, I'll switch it to video call so you can see him.

*From this point on, actions in the call will be in parenthesis. EX: (Sardonyx smiled.). I mean they were before, but now it's obvious.*

(Dad switched the call to a video call.)
D: Woah, you've grown a little bit since the last time we've seen you!
SA: (She shed a tear, taking that as an insult.)
D: S-Sorry! Wrong choice of words...
M: We're going to be discussing this tonight, Frank. Anyways, we decided on naming him Jake... here he is.
(Mom and Jake walked over. Sardonyx got in view of the phone so Jake could see her.)
M: Okay Jake, open your eyes.
(Jake opens his eyes to find Sardonyx on the video call. He is startled by her appearance, but not too much.)
J: Woah.
SA: Well hello there Jake! I'm Sardonyx, your sister... Well, I might not be your genetic sister, but we're still siblings...
J: Mom... who is she?
M: Silly old Jake, she's your sister...
(Everybody, including Jake, laughed.)
D: Okay, so I decided to book us all the next flight to America to see our little girl. Sweetie, where are you right now?
SA: Beach City...
M: Okay, we'll see you then sweetie! Goodbye!
(Sardonyx waved as the call ended.)

Steven put his phone down and checked how many views Sardonyx's video got. The video itself got 110 views in an hour along with 52 likes and 58 dislikes. "Oh.. Sardonyx? Your video has more dislikes than likes..." Sardonyx frowned. "Oh, at least it was worth a shot. Good night, Steven.", she said laying down on the grass. Steven powered off his computer and went to bed.

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