Sardonyx's Story

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It's time. When do people find it to be, time? Is it when they are prepared? When they feel confident? For Sardonyx, it was neither. It was knowing that the world would accept her no matter what she was.

About a couple months after the New York incident, life was going better. Sabina was looking for a therapist for Sardonyx, and Sardonyx finally wanted to admit her backstory to the world. She felt like it was time, since she had been hiding it for what seemed like forever.

But how? She got an idea.

Auntie Blue.

She walked into Steven's room, who at the time, was preparing his camera to make a video. "Steven, I'll be back in a little. I'm going... out." Steven nodded. "There's some leftover pizza in the fridge in case you get hungry."

Sardonyx arrived at the studio, and walked to Blue's room. "I heard what you did, and I'm so proud of you.", Blue said as she walked in. "It's a pleasure. I was wondering if we could make a documentary about my life? I feel like it's time to tell my story."

"That sounds great!"

"Could it... be done by me and Sabina's anniversary? I want to surprise her."

"Alright, we'll try."

Time went by, and the day of their anniversary rolled around. Sabina was currently asleep. "Sabie. Wake up."

Sabina woke up and saw Sardonyx sporting a beautiful dress.

"Happy anniversary Sard. You sleep well?"

Sardonyx brought over a dress for her wife. "I did, and I have a surprise for you. I bought us tickets to a new short movie..."

"Sweet, what movie is it?", Sabina asked as she went into the bathroom to change.

"No no, I can't tell you, it's a surprise."

They arrived at the theater, and a red carpet was rolled out for Sardonyx. Behind a red velvet barrier were about 500 fans, 150 of which were children, snapping photos of Sardonyx as she made her way down the carpet. "Sard, you comfortable with this?", Sabina asked as Sardonyx passed her and Steven.

"Yes, it's all part of our little surprise."

When they got in the theater, they went to the snack bar. Sapphire was working there. "Aren't you a little young to work here?"

"My mother got a contract for me to earn money during the summer. She says it is because I got highest honor roll. Ruby got high honor roll too, but she's working at the gym. How may I help you?"

After they got popcorn, they got their seats. "You're simply going to love this!"

The movie began, and it showed a photo of Sardonyx that said "Sardonyx's Story". Sabina was amazed. Sardonyx got this far.

(From this point on, the actions are what happened in the movie, until further notice.)

We get a black screen.
So, it all began in the western side of London.
A baby crying is heard. We cut to a hospital, in the room of Sardonyx's parents. A doctor walks in with their baby, who was asleep, wrapped up in a blanket. "Congratulations... you gave birth to a lovely baby girl. From what we understand, you wanted to name it Sardonyx?", the doctor asked. June nodded. "Yes..."

"We'll give you a few minutes alone.", he said as he walked out. "Welcome to our family... our little sugar bun Sardonyx..."

Life was normal. I lived a nice childhood with my parents, and I loved when we went on camping trips.

But something happened.

Sardonyx walked through the woods and discovered a mysterious glowing rock. "Oh my... what is...", she tried to say before picking it up. Suddenly, she felt pain. Quickly, she dropped the rock and felt sleepy. "Oh my... better get some rest." She fell asleep against some hay.

But I didn't sleep long until I felt my heartbeat get louder and faster... then it went normal... I tried to forget it, so I went to the lake. Then... it happened. I started to become something different... something that I wasn't. Something... horrible.

Sardonyx's form turned into her 20 foot form.

I tried to find something to get me smaller, or at least to a reasonable size, but... I found Mr Duncan. He runs a traveling circus in America. So, after a last goodbye to my parents, I left for America with him. Things were going great. But after a fire, I tried to escape for Beach City. I planted a tree near the coastal area, using the seed my mother gave me, and I lived there... until Steven found me. He means just so much... and I remember one of the first things he said...

We get a shot of Steven and Sardonyx at the tree. Steven held his hand out. "You're not a monster. You're a... a star."

That's how me and Steven became friends... and how I became who I am... a member of society.

(Okay, the movie ended, back to normal actions.)

The movie ended, and then everybody applauded and left the theater. Sabina drove them to the beach. "Sardonyx, that was amazing. I have a surprise for you too."

Sardonyx got out of the sedan and closed her door. "Oh, you do?", she asked. Steven nodded.

They went to where Sardonyx's tree used to stand. In it's place was something covered by a large and colorful cloth. The mayor had arranged a little event. It seemed as if the entire town was gathered in preparation for something. "Sabie... what's happening...?", Sardonyx whispered to Sabina. "You're about to find out."

The mayor walked to the podium. "Thank you all for coming. And now, the moment you have been waiting for... Sardonyx, do the honors."

"Go on, Sard, it's our gift to you!"

"Okay... here goes..."

Sardonyx curiously removed the cloth to discover...

"...oh my...", she uttered covering her mouth in amazement.

A statue in her honor, made entirely of gold, with a tree next to it. There were flowers all around. There was also a small building that housed a library and art center. And to top it all off, there was a sign that read...

Sardonyx Community Center

Sardonyx was overjoyed. She hugged Sabina and Steven in a big group hug. "I'm just so happy right now... I... I...", the hero spoke before she burst into tears of joy, smiling. "T-Thank you... so much... you two... you're more important that anything I've ever had..."

Truly, it was her happily ever after.

Yes, Sardonyx Lane's life changed so much in less than two years. She made friends, got a wife, a job teaching, took down one of Beach City's most notorious criminals, starred in a movie, got her own community center, and best of all, got to keep her superpowers.

It just goes to show a moral. Never give up, accept yourself, and do what is right.

And now, we turn back to our trio. Just for a brief moment.

"How about we swing for some lunch?"

Sardonyx looked at Steven. "Same place?"

The three of them nodded as they set off for the 7th Street Diner.

She found her way home.

                               The End

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