Sardonyx in Wonderland

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"So... I got the librarian to fix Alice in Wonderland, so I can read that.", she said pulling it out and flipping to the first page. "Alice looked over her sister's shoulder at her book..."

Suddenly, snoring was heard. They looked to find Sardonyx asleep. "Quick sleeper, huh?", Sabine whispered. She kissed her good night and fell asleep. Steven walked to his room.

Sardonyx was falling down a big hole, passing by furniture such as cupboards and shelves and chairs. "Oh no, oh no, oh no this can't be happening!", she screamed before landing softly on a tree's leaves. "Where... am I...?"

She had landed in a long hallway filled with doors. At the end was a small door and a table with a bottle and cookie. "Hm... this door seems to pique my interest. Oh, but it's much too small.", she said. She heard a ding behind her. Turning, her attention was focused on the mysterious bottle. It had a label that read "Drink Me". The woman looked around her. "Well, mom always said never drink strange beverages... oh, one sip couldn't hurt."

She took a small sip, and she shrank a bit. "Oh my... I bet if I..." She drank a little more and was small enough to fit through the door. She turned the doorknob and... it was locked. Looking back to the table, she saw a key on it. Grunting angrily, she climbed the table only to fall. "Ugh... stupid table!", she screamed before punching it, causing it to fall over. "That's.... one way." Grabbing the key, she opened the door, but noticed something else on the floor.

She noticed the cookie, and it was an oatmeal raisin cookie. She took a bite and immediately grew. "Oh my..." Suddenly, her head hit the sprinkler system above, causing water to spew everywhere. Quickly, she drank the drink and got smaller, but she was swept away by the water and through the door.

Sardonyx woke up, confused on her dream. "Babe?" Sabina woke up. "Something happen?"

"Yeah... I had a dream that was like the book you read to me. It was a long hallway..." Sardonyx explained. "Suddenly, I... I..." She fell asleep snoring. Sabina kissed her forehead. "Sweet dreams."

Sardonyx was playing a strange game of croquet with The Queen of Hearts. For some reason, the Queen looked like Sabina. There were no turns, everybody was playing at once. Suddenly, Sardonyx got hungry. She noticed a cookie in her pocket and ate it, but then remembered the effects. "Excuse me fo-" Suddenly, she grew. The Queen was outraged. "In my yard? OFF WITH HER HEAD!"

Sardonyx woke up screaming, alerting Sabina. "What happened? What chapter were you in?!"

"C-Chapter... I don't know, you were the Queen of Hearts... you said something like "off with her head"... I was so scared."

Sabina held her hand. "It's only a dream... Sard. It's okay. Come on, let's get back to bed."

They got to bed, hugging in their sleep.

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