A Day With Uncle Rainbow

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(I know Rainbow is a boy, me you should not annoy. Go and bug your sister or brother. But not me, find someone to bother.)

Steven! It's great to see you again!", Uncle Rainbow greeted as he walked in. Steven ran over and hugged her. "Uncle Rainbow! It's been months!", he said happily. "Woah, take it easy there, sweetie! I have a surprise for you!", Rainbow continued. After signing Steven out of school, and Steven getting his homework, he took him to GameStop. "Go ahead Steven, pick anything you want and I'll pay for it. I did just win the lottery...", Rainbow said as they entered the store. "Actually, I'll pay. I got a check this morning for fifty-thousand dollars....", Steven said, revealing the check. Rainbow was speechless. "Alright, go ahead then.", he said, smiling. "You must be quite the lucky boy." Steven chuckled. "Uh... I'll tell you how I got the money later.", Steven told Rainbow, walking to the games.

Steven picked out a DS, Animal Crossing Wild World and Mario Kart DS. He also got a new Sonic themed scarf since it was getting colder. The man at the counter scanned his items and added up the prices. "Okay, that'll be 320 dollars please.", he said. As Steven was paying, he noticed a poster in the back reading "Now available: The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess". He loved Zelda, so he decided to buy a copy. "Oh, and one copy of Twilight Princess please.", Steven asked the shopkeeper. The rather fat man turned around and grabbed a copy off the shelf behind him, placing it onto the counter. "Okay, 380 dollars total.", he totaled. As Steven revealed the check, Rainbow plopped some money onto the counter. "Don't worry Steven, I'll pay, you don't need to. It's on me.", Rainbow reminded Steven. The shopkeeper put everything in a bag, and handed Steven the change.

As they were leaving, Steven looked up at his aunt. "Rainbow, you didn't really need to, I had-", he said before Rainbow opened the door for him. "Just think of it as my special treat for you. Besides, tomorrow is halloween so it's my special candy.", Rainbow explained as they got in Rainbow's sedan. Their stomachs both grumbled simultaneously. "Well, that probably means lunchtime, right?", Rainbow rhetorically asked. As they pulled out of the parking lot, they both noticed a McDonald's just a few blocks away. The choice on where to go was already in front of them.

When they arrived, they both ordered then took a seat in a booth. "So, how exactly did you get the money?", Rainbow asked. As Steven was about to explain, the woman behind the counter said, "Number 48.", and Rainbow went to get their meal from the counter.

Rainbow started to eat his Big Mac and she noticed she could see Steven's new house from where they were. But there was something in his yard... something large. "Steven? There's a thing in your backyard...", Rainbow whispered, before Steven gasped. "Oh! I didn't introduce you to my new friend! You'll learn more about her when we get home, until then, we should probably spend today having fun.", Steven said all in one breath. As Rainbow ate some of his chicken nuggets, Steven checked some info about the games he got on his phone. Suddenly, Rainbow suggested they'll see a movie. After finishing their food, they left to the Beach City Theater.

It was already three and they decided to see Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Before the movie began, Steven handed Rainbow some Skittles. "Well isn't that funny, a Rainbow tasting the rainbow!", he joked. The shared a laugh as the movie began.

Rainbow just loved this movie. Steven loved it too, especially the scene when Charlie found the golden ticket. When it got to the scene with the tunnel (which you can find in YouTube), Rainbow noticed Steven was freaked out. Heck, along with the hallucinations all the people in the movie had, Steven had a hallucination himself of fire everywhere. It was two days since the fire, and he couldn't forget it no matter what. As he tried to tell himself it was just a hallucination, Rainbow looked over at Steven from his seat. "Steven, are you alright?", Rainbow asked him, holding his hand. Steven didn't move or answer. "Steven, answer me!" Rainbow looked at Steven who was at this point starting to freak out. "Steven, it's okay. We can go home if you want." Steven then hugged Rainbow as they walked out to the sedan.

On their drive home, Rainbow looked at Steven who was in the backseat. "So who's this 'friend' you mentioned earlier?", he asked. The two passed by the coastline that led to where Sardonyx's tree used to stand. "She's... kinda big.", Steven said. Rainbow cracked a smile. "Steven, I know that, but any other part about- Oh, hold on, this should give me some insight.", Rainbow said as he stopped to buy a newspaper. "Now then, 'monster turned partial hero, trust, but be careful...' Oh my, this seems like quite a friend. It says they saved a boy from drowning, stopped a robbery, and helped with saving people from a car crash...", Rainbow read. "Steven, is this the-" "Reason I got the check, yes.", Steven interrupted. Rainbow chuckled, before putting her hands on his hips, smiling still. "Now Steven, what did I say about interruptions? Oh, just kidding.. I just realized I'm low on gas, so the next gas station I see, I'll pull over."

As they were in his general neighborhood, Rainbow stopped to get some gas. Steven, taking this opportunity, decided to go inside to use the bathroom and stock up on some strawberry milk from the nearby convenience store. "Rainbow, I'll be right back, just need to get a few things.", Steven said as he crossed the street to the store. Rainbow smiled and waved to Steven as he crossed.

After entering, he walked to the dairy section and grabbed two bottles of strawberry milk, as well as some Doritos. As Steven reached for the Doritos, his hand met with that of Connie's. "Oh, you have them, you saw them...", Connie requested, blushing. Steven paid for his milk and Doritos then noticed an orange thing in Connie's bag. "Is that... the pumpkin outfit?", Steven asked Connie as she grabbed the next available bag of Doritos. "Oh, of course. Tomorrow is halloween, so I made her a pumpkin hat. You got your costume ready?.", Connie answered. Steven showed a photo of a costume of Little Mac. "Woah, and you got that-" "From Walmart.", Steven answered. Connie showed a photo of an Oompa-Loompa costume. "So I already went as a Pumpkin last year, so I modeled that as the hat so it fit on Sardonyx. I just had to go over today and see how large her head was, and then I made the hat from scratch."

"It's the greatest thing, I'll uh.. let you give it to her. I'm gonna see if my mom finished drying my costume.", Connie said walking out the door. "See you tomorrow!"

Rainbow pulled into Steven's driveway, putting the car in park and walking to the front door. Letting Steven unlock it, he walked to the backyard's sliding door. "So, what exactly is the name of this "friend" of yours, exactly?", Rainbow asked. "Oh, her name's Sardonyx... She's from London. Uh.. wait here, I need to give her a heads up."

Steven walked into the backyard to find Sardonyx planting a few flowers around her mini-tree. "Making a little garden I see?", Steven asked as he walked down the back steps. Sardonyx set down her watering can, turning to Steven. "Oh, just a little knack I picked up in London.. my mother taught me you know. That reminds me, haven't called her yet.. I'll probably do it while you're at school tomorrow.", Sardonyx said. "Who's that at the door?" Steven turned to find Rainbow with his face pressed against the sliding door. "That's my Uncle Rainbow.. she's Amethyst's father." The word father echoed in Sardonyx's head. "...Father?", Sardonyx asked. Looking up at her, Steven nodded. "Yeah, her father." Rainbow was waiting at the door, and Steven let her over to Sardonyx. "Sardonyx, I heard about you! Steven told me all about you!", Rainbow greeted, shaking Sardonyx's hand. "Uh.. a pleasure to meet you too Rainbow, oh.. is this a rare 1999 Baby Blue jacket?", Sardonyx greeted back. "No it's just something I found in the thrift store." Steven left Rainbow and Sardonyx to have a conversation as he went in to do his homework.

About five minutes later he finished and had a great idea. Logging onto his computer, he went to YouTube and going to the account creation page.

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