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Connie knocked on Sabina's door. When she answered, she said "Sorry, no candy- oh, Connie! If its about your grades, I can't change them.". Connie shook her head no. "It's not that. Ms. Sabina... we overheard some bullies were going to vandalize the school. Steven's getting the police, and Sardonyx is helping to stop them, can you come down to the school and help?", Connie asked. Sabina ran to her car. "Hop in."

Sardonyx wondered how she would get into the school. "Hm.. the door seems quite small... how do I get in?", she asked herself. Suddenly, she noticed the bullies approaching. "Makes sense they wouldn't be in the school yet.", Sardonyx thought. Turning to them ready for battle, she shouted "Hey! Don't you dare do anything to this school!". They threw a tomato at her face. "Wh- Why did- that is it!", she shouted before running towards them. They threw a firecracker at her, missing her and crashing into the school. The firecracker broke a window, rolled into the chemistry room, and caused some highly volatile chemicals to set on fire.

"Oh, that is it! You have done quite enough damage you two!", she screamed at them, before grabbing them, and throwing them into the nearby pond. From there, she pelted them with tomatoes that they dropped. Finally, as she was about to throw a firecracker at them, Sabina and Connie arrived. "Sardonyx, don't!", they yelled. The giantess noticed them. Just as the firecracker was going to explode, she threw it far away into the sky. Sabina walked over.

"Sardonyx... did you throw them into that pond?", she asked Sardonyx. The mutation, feeling guilty, nodded. Turning away, Sardonyx began to cry. "Oh... don't feel bad... it's alright...", Sabina said holding Sardonyx's hand. "No it's not!", Sardonyx screamed, running off into the woods sobbing. "Wait! I-", Sabina tried to say before she heard sirens. She looked to see cops walking to the pond, grabbing the teens and putting handcuffs on them. "And before you go back to your parents, you're expelled. I also expect payment for the school you set on fire.", Sabina scolded. As the cops left and a fire truck showed up, Sabina walked into the woods to try and find Sardonyx.

She found her underneath the darkness of the trees, sitting down, sadly looking at her reflection in the lake.

"Hey...", she greeted. Sardonyx flinched a little. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. You didn't mean to hurt them. But they deserved it... do you want to talk about it?", Sabina asked. Sardonyx nodded, making room for Sabina next to her. "I understand why you did that... you were upset they were going to destroy the school... right?" Sardonyx looked at Sabina. "Yeah..."

Reaching into her pocket, Sabina pulled out some lipstick and applied some to her lips. "Well, maybe you need to learn to control your anger... or at least your emotion. What you did was brave. But... it was also dangerous. Still, for protecting the school, I'm proud of you.", Sabina said hugging Sardonyx. "Happy Halloween Sard.", she whispered as Sardonyx hugged as well. They stayed this way for a few minutes, only occasionally stopping so that Sabina could brush some dirt from the firecracker off Sardonyx's hat. "So, up for a date later?", she asked. Sardonyx nodded. "How about in two days? Before that, I could show you my parents. They're flying in from London."

"That'd be great. Well, see you then."

Sardonyx arrived back home. She held Steven. "Thanks for coming with me for Halloween."

Sardonyx simply smiled. "Oh, it was nothing much of me, it's the right thing to do."

That night, Sardonyx was asleep in the backyard. Steven noticed Amethyst was watching the news. He sat down to join her.

Two students are expelled after setting their school on fire. Luckily, a local hero Sardonyx was there to stop them, throwing them into a lake, pelting them with tomatoes, then threatening to throw a firecracker at them. After the principal and student, identified as Connie Maheswaran, arrived at the scene, the 20-foot woman fled the scene, leaving behind the two teenagers, identified as Vincent and Dave. They are to pay 25,000 dollars for the damages of the school. Students are going to need to wait to return, due to the severity of the damages.

Steven continued to watch TV with Amethyst.

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