This is Halloween!

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Steven had treats from his school's little Halloween party they had in class. With him, he had a bag of treats, along with a new pencil with pumpkins on it. As the bell rang, Steven walked outside so he could be picked up by Sardonyx. "Hello dear. So, how was today? Did you have fun?", she asked as she let the boy rest in her hand. She had knitted a special orange top to go with her pumpkin hat.

"It was great! We had a party, and it was the best day of school ever!", Steven answered as the giantess giggled. "That sounds like so much fun. I see you look rather puckered out from all that fun, so why don't we get you back home so you can rest before you go door to door?", she asked.

"I almost forgot. We even got some candy before we left!" Today was Halloween. The day she would get candy.

Almost immediately afterwards, she began to dart into the woods to take the shortcut home. "Hey, what's the rush Sard?" Sardonyx hopped over some logs. "Today's Halloween, dear! We simply must get home so I can get candy!", she shouted excitedly. Steven chuckled. "Sardonyx, that's TONIGHT, not right now. Still, like your enthusiasm."

"Sorry, I just love Halloween. It's one of my favorite holidays. Back home, me and my parents used to trick or treat, and then we'd invite all my friends over for a party. We'd watch the specials, we'd play games, and we'd order all the pizza we could eat... it was just as fun as your party sounded, darling."

When they got home, Sardonyx allowed Steven inside so he could relax.

"Another first place win! Of course.", Steven said as he won the third race in a row in Mario Kart DS. Suddenly, his phone rang. Looking to see who it was, it was Connie. He started the call.
*C: Connie
S: Steven*
C: Hey Steven! So, ready for tonight?
S: Yeah! Sardonyx is loving the hat you made her, she thinks it's the best...
C: Heh, knew she'd like it. So, speaking of costumes, you ready?
S: Yup. Amethyst just ironed it and it's ready to go!
C: Great! Be by your house in an hour?
S: Yup. Oh, and I'm taking Sardonyx with me. It's her first Halloween in a while.
C: Alright, see you two then!
S: See ya.
Steven hung up the call and got ready to head out to buy the halloween candy. Walking outside, he grabbed a list of candies to give out to trick or treaters.

M&M's, Skittles, candy bars, And Nerds. Those were the candies usually handed out at the Universe house.

When he got home, he noticed Amethyst was decorating with pumpkins, scarecrows, skeletons, and vampires. Or as she said, "The usual.". Steven noticed Sardonyx wasn't in her spot. "Sardonyx?", Steven called out. He noticed Sardonyx, hiding under a pile of leaves. "Hey, why are you hiding?", Steven asked almost immediately. Suddenly, Amethyst walked out back with a zombie mask, causing Sardonyx to scream in fear.

"Amethyst, were you scaring her?!?", Steven frustratingly asked. Amethyst took off the mask, rolled her eyes, and tossed Sard some Skittles. Suddenly, Sard and Amethyst laughed. "We were just pulling a little joke on you Steven!", Amethyst continued to laugh. Steven looked at Sardonyx, who was beginning to eat her Skittles. "This isn't funny! I was actually concerned for her, Amethyst!", Steven shouted at Amethyst. The girl drank some of her smoothie. "Chill dude, it was only a joke.", Amethyst reminded. "Almost time for Trick-or-Treating. Better get in your costume.", she said tossing Steven his costume.

Steven walked outside with his Little Mac costume on. "Okay, just gotta wait for Connie.", he told Sardonyx. The night sky, the sound of children laughing, having fun, oh it was music to Sardonyx's ears... it reminded her of spending her Halloween's with her family, so much time spent... Sardonyx began to get sentimental, looking at the photo of her smaller self. "Oh.. why did I have to.... why did I trade my happiness?", Sardonyx said to herself. But then she remembered her family would visit in a couple days, bringing her positivity. Connie walked into the backyard with her Oompa-Loompa costume. "Alright, ready?", Connie asked. Steven nodded. Sardonyx nodded as well. "Okay then! See you Amethyst, we'll be back later.", Steven told Amethyst, walking out of the backyard with Connie and Sardonyx.

Walking to their first house, Steven rang the doorbell. Sardonyx kneeled down. The door opened, revealing Sabina. "Oh! Uhm... I didn't know you lived here...", Sardonyx said, blushing. Sabina adjusted the cape on her vampire outfit. "Wow, usually with your observations, you'd notice me, huh? You falling asleep?", she asked. Then she laughed. "Just kidding, here you go.", she chuckled, giving them some Snickers.

"Sardonyx, how about a little extra?", she said. Sardonyx nodded, presenting her candy basket again to Sabina. "No, it's more than candy. Come down, I'll show you." Watching her crouch down to meet her eye level, Sabina gave Sard a small kiss on the cheek. "Enjoy your night!", Sabina said before closing the door. "Wow... I'm getting closer to the lips already, and we've been... dating for three days... how amazing!", Sardonyx uttered before they got to their next house. "Oh! Look, it's one of those little skeletons!", Sardonyx exclaimed joyfully. Steven looked up to her, confused. "Where?", he asked. Sardonyx pointed to the skeleton in the window. "Nice placement."

Things went smoothly for them for the next ten minutes, stopping at houses to get their candy, and there was often the surprises. At one house, it was Christmas themed, and they got candy canes and mini gingerbread men. At another, it was themed after a factory, pumping out Chocolate Chip Cookies. Another was a bowl that when you went to grab the candy, a hand went down into the bowl.

Everybody's candy bags were filled with all sorts of sweets and goodies. Steven noticed some older teenagers preparing an all-out prank. "You got everything?", one of them asked. "Tomatoes, toilet paper, silly string, firecrackers...", another answered, pulling them out. "Uh... I dunno about this guys.", one of their little brothers, no older than four nervously said. Rolling his eyes, the older one told him "Fine, go play on the swings then.". The child waited until they were headed to the school, then ran off to Sardonyx.

Steven noticed the boy, who was dressed as Patrick Star, running over with a worried look on his face. Sardonyx kneeled down to see the child better. "Is something wrong dear?", she asked, focusing on him. "You gotta help! Those guys are gonna vandalize the school!", he shouted. Sardonyx gasped. "Oh no... you don't mean-", she panicked. Steven looked up at the woman. "Yeah. We gotta do something. Connie, you go get Sabina. Sardonyx, you go stop them, or at least stall them until police come. I'll go get the police.", he commanded. Sardonyx nodded, before running off towards the school.

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