Inspector Sardonyx

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Sardonyx was trusted with solving the crime of who vandalized the science room overnight. She began to remember when she was in London. She loved a good mystery and she still does. Sardonyx always wondered how it would be to become a detective.

When somebody does a crime, I find who should do the time. Sardonyx: Private Eye. Some detectives prefer a cold one. The only cold ones I drink are lemon lime flavored sodas. Today I come into my workplace and receive a tip from a beautiful young lady. Early 20s, the principal of this place. She's asking me to find who vandalized this science lab.

Before she could finish her thought, she got a call.

Hey, if you find any potential evidence, bring it down to our crime lab in the school's library.
"Okay, good to know." She hung up. "And it looks as if I found my first clue."

Sardonyx bent down to discover a small page of a book. "Better take it to the crime lab, whoever's running it sure has hard work..."

The library, home of almost 500 books, 8 computers, a very humble librarian, Amethyst, who was working a part time job, and location of the crime lab. There were three students in charge. All three of them were rather smart, wore the same astronomy club vests, and liked to watch Pokémon.

Okay, so they were nerds.

Sardonyx walked in and immediately turned to the kind librarian. "Excuse me, where's the crime lab?", she asked. She pointed to a long table near the window. "Thank you."

At the moment, they were watching Pokémon on a small television. "Hello there.", Sardonyx greeted. Immediately, one of them shook her hand. "I'm Melvin, pleased to meet you, miss.", he greeted back. Another didn't take his eyes off of the show. "That's Al.", Melvin explained. The last one was reorganizing his card collection. "And that's Peter."

Sardonyx smiled. "A pleasure to meet you boys. Now then, I believe I found some evidence."

Sardonyx lay the page down. "A page from a book.", Peter explained. "But which one..." Al looked at it. "Excuse me for a moment.", he said as he approached the many shelves of books. Scanning through the many rows of books, he looked at the words on the page. "It's so familiar... Aha! Just as I thought."

The teen walked back with Alice In Wonderland. "It seems that this is page 32 of Alice in Wonderland. Truly classic fiction.", the 12 year old explained. Oh my, even I didn't know that, Sardonyx thought.

"Hm, I bet that if we could just find out who borrowed it last, it could narrow down who the suspect is for sure!", she suggested. All three boys agreed in unison. "Okay, sounds like a plan.", they said. Sardonyx brought the book over to Amethyst, who was currently checking library cards. "Excuse me darling?"

Amethyst put down her magazine, looking up to her. "Hey Sard. How's it goin'?"

"It's fine. Can you please find who last checked this out? It's for Sabina."

Amethyst checked the card. "Parker Clark, seventh grade." Sardonyx called up Sabina.

Got a suspect?
"Yes, Parker Clark of seventh grade. The page I found was Alice in Wonderland, Page 32. He was the most recent to check it out."
Interesting, come down.

May I have your attention? Parker Clark, please report to the main office.

Sardonyx arrived just as Parker did. "Ah, Parker. We've been expecting you."

Sardonyx explained the situation calmly, answering most questions the boy had.

"Mrs Lane, our science teacher found out that the book was checked out under your card. So we have some questions. Where were you on the night on May 12th?"

"I was helping my father move a couch. Besides, I lent the book to my friend for a report, his card was expired.", Parker explained. Sabina thought. "And who is this friend?"

"Trevor Artswell. Sixth grade, lives in the suburbs where all those fancy old men live."

"Okay, thanks for the information. You may return to class."

Sardonyx continued to investigate. After about an hour, she finally found three possible suspects.

"Okay, we have three prime suspects. Trevor Artswell, Parker Clark, and Kent Odlaw. Sardonyx, the evidence.

"The first piece of evidence was this page from Alice in Wonderland, which Parker Clark borrowed for Trevor. Next I found this half eaten slice of pepperoni pizza."

Kent chuckled. "Is there something funny about this?", Sabina asked him calmly. "No, it's just that I'm lactose intolerant, so I can't eat cheese."

Sardonyx nodded. "Alright Kent, but still, stay here until we find who did it. Finally, we found fingerprints. Our crime lab specialists detected the fingerprints belonged to one student and one only..."

"Trevor Artswell."

"So, explain your motive."

So I was upset about my friend getting a bad grade. I wanted to do a good deed for him. I was too nervous to ask Mrs Lane, so I thought if I gave him a good grade during the night, he would be happy. Well, I didn't get to, because I tripped over some gunpowder. I tried to break my fall by grabbing a desk, but I accidentally turned on the burner. This of course caused an explosion, from what I learned from Mrs Lane's wonderful lessons.

Sardonyx blushed. "Thank you. Still, continue on."

Anyways, after the explosion, I dropped some of my belongings. Suddenly, I thought somebody was coming, so I ran out the window.

Sabina was writing all this. "I see. Trevor, as much as you didn't mean to cause trouble, you did cause a lot. Today's science classes need to be cancelled! Tests and projects will be held back! All because you blew up the science lab."

"A-Are you going to call the police?"

"No, you were trying to do something nice. But still, breaking and entering is a pretty big offense. Also, normally you would be suspended for at least two weeks, but I have a special punishment, seeing as you didn't mean any harm. You'll be cleaning my entire office after school. Other than that, we can forget this ever happened."

They shook hands, laughed it off, and Trevor walked to his next class.

As a special team of janitors cleaned the science room, Steven noticed. "What happened?", he asked one janitor. "Some kid broke in and exploded the place."

Suddenly, Sabina got an idea.

Steven got ready for his broadcast.

"Good morning students, this is Steven Universe with your breaking news. Last night, a science lab was exploded. Currently, the suspect is unavailable for question, and wishes to keep his identity private. Classes in room 104 shall be cancelled today. That is all for now."

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