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Everybody knows the phrase, love at first sight. However, love isn't always just man and woman, sometimes it can be man and man, or woman and woman. It may be a bit hard to admit at first, but if you love somebody, be yourself. Sardonyx is about to learn.

Sardonyx was surprised by the woman walking over to her. She had sparkling pink hair, beautiful green emerald eyes, scarlet red lipstick... and her beautiful figure too... it was amazing. "H-Hello...", the woman greeted as she slowly walked over, amazed by her size, but still a little startled. "Uh... sorry if I disturbed you miss...", Sardonyx tried to say before she walked over. "Sabina. Sabina M. I'm the principal of Beach City Junior High...", the principal stated, introducing herself. "May I ask why you're here exactly...?" Sardonyx's face blushed red. "I'm just... er..." She looked next to her. Her friend walked to Sabina. "Mrs M, this is that giant woman I told you about."

Steven was motioning to go, since Sardonyx looked really nervous. "Uhm... I need to go... r-right now... bye!", the woman said, running into the woods, Steven following her on her way. "Wait! Come back! I didn't get your name!", Sabina called out. They had already gone in the woods. Under her breath, Sabina thought. "Hm..."

She turned to the parking lot. "Watch over my office while I'm gone Clarissa.", she said into her walkie-talkie. "I'm going to have a meeting."

On their way back, Sardonyx talked to Steven. "Steven, I don't know if what I feel is right!", she told him. Steven scratched his head and asked, "What do you mean?". The woman looked at Steven. "I mean I love her! But it just doesn't feel right! A girl is supposed to love a boy and vice versa, right?", Sardonyx uttered before they at last arrived home. "Well, you don't have to always love a boy. So you're in love with a girl, that's perfect! Everybody has different tastes in the people they date. And, that's how love works. I think...", Steven answered, sliding off her shoulder and down her arm, landing on the soft grass, before doing a cartwheel and landing between the bushes. "Oh my! You certainly are quite the little acrobat!", the giantess joked. As the boy scratched the back of his head, Sardonyx watered her tree. "But more on your acrobatic skills later, I think you have a visitor.", she said putting her watering can down.

Steven walked to the front door and opened it, revealing Connie. "Steven, I saw you run off with Sardonyx, so I came to see if you were OK." Connie said, before walking inside. Steven closed the door and took Connie to the backyard. "Oh, I'm fine. Sardonyx is also fine. She's in the backyard."

Steven and Connie noticed that Sardonyx was watching some guys making a homemade horror movie a couple fences over. "What are those men doing? It doesn't seem very practical...", she wondered. Connie hopped onto her knee. "They're just making a homemade horror movie. It is in the spirit, it's Halloween in a couple days." Steven continued Connie's statement. "Do you know what halloween is?" Sardonyx shook her head, as Steven drew something in the dirt. "I-It's been a while since I celebrated it... please tell me.", she asked.

"So Halloween is when people dress up, go out on Halloween Night and they get candy. ", Steven said, drawing kids in costumes, with an arrow pointing to houses. From the houses, there was an arrow pointing to some candies. "Interesting... that actually sounds like fun! But, I don't really think any costumes come in my size. I mean, I'm 20 feet tall, and unless you count 'large being' as a costume, then sorry, can't go.", Sardonyx admitted. Connie had an idea. "I know how to knit and design, so I could make you a costume! How about a pumpkin?", she recommended. The lady's face lit up with excitement. "Of course! But are you sure you can? You don't even know my clothing sizes...", she asked. "I'm sure I can work something out.", Connie answered. "Gotta get started, see ya tomorrow Steven!"

Sabina pulled up to the house. "I think I'll ask Steven... 53 Grove Lane... this is the place."

As the two waved goodbye to Connie, Sardonyx looked at Steven. "Anyways, back on our discussion, what was it about my love? I've always been confused on this LGTBQ thing.", she asked, kneeling down to his eye level. Steven sweated for a few seconds. "Well, uh... it's when a person loves somebody of the sa-", he said, before Sardonyx chuckled. "Steven, I know that, but is there a reason?", she asked.

"Well, some people don't know. Scientists speculate it's because they have different mindsets than others, some say it just comes naturally.", Steven answered. "Oh, lunch's ready, I'll get you a helping.", he said, smelling Amethyst's fresh grilled hamburgers. "You're gonna love these." Suddenly, another knock was heard at the door. Amethyst answered this time. "Hello?", Amethyst asked the person at the door.

"Hi, is Steven here?", Sabina asked. "Yeah, he's out back with his friend."

"Wait, who is this friend... I need to see her." Amethyst walked into the backyard. "Steven, some girl named Sabina is here. Something about Sardonyx."

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