Sardonyx 101

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When they got close, Sardonyx began to feel nervous. "W-What if they don't like me? What if I get you in trouble?", she worried. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be great."

"Aw, that's sweet of you dear. You know Steven, this is so nostalgic for me. See, I used to be just like-" She covered her mouth. "Used to be just like what?", Steven asked. "Er... never mind that."

When they finally arrived Sardonyx hid in the woods by the football field. "I'll stay back here, you go and have fun, alright?", the woman uttered. Steven looked up at the giant woman, before giving her a small handshake. "Okay, see you at lunch?", he asked. "Oh, why not. I would like to introduce myself at least.", Sardonyx responded.

The bell for first period rang. "Oh, that's the bell, see you!", he called.

Steven went into the school's main building, leaving Sardonyx in the woods. She looked at the building, amazed by it's timeless look. As she looked, she began to remember something.

Looking at her reflection in the nearby puddle, she began to feel a sense of nervousness overcome her. "Oh no... what are they going to think of me.. I can't do this...", she said under her breath, before laying down, looking up at the cloudy sky. Sighing, she told herself in her head, "I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster," over and over, until she felt confident.

The principal met Steven when he walked in. "Hello Steven, I'm Mrs M, your principal. Now, how are you traveling to and from school for the most part?", she greeted. Steven felt nervous. "...b-by giant woman."

Mrs M paused. "Okay, so by friend's transportation?" Steven nodded.

"By friend or family...", she wrote. "Okay, let me show you to your Homeroom class." Kids and their imagination, she thought as they came to the classroom.

About two or three hours later, the bell rang, allowing the kids to go to recess and lunch. "Steven, you're really friends with a giant woman?", Connie asked. Steven reassured her, saying "Of course! I've known her for three days now! She's a really nice person!". Steven brought Connie to the woods, where she was amazed by Sardonyx's height.

"Hello dear. I'm Sardonyx, Steven's friend. I assume you're his new friend as well?", Sardonyx said, putting her finger out for a handshake. "Yeah. I'm Connie Maheswaran...", Connie answered shaking Sardonyx's finger. "It's a pleasure to meet you.", the girl continued. Comparing her height to that of Sardonyx, she felt like an ant. "Wow... your size, it's amazing! Did this just come naturally? It looks quite powerful!", Connie added. Sardonyx rolled her eyes and smiled. "Oh, you don't need to flatter me Connie, it's just so wonderful to meet you! You know, I read about your mother in the papers, and I hear she's-", Sardonyx said before Connie finished her statement with "A really good surgeon.".

"Well, I've just moved into this town and I must say, the scenery looks gorgeous." Steven let the two have their conversation and get to know each other when he saw something occur on the playground.

"Esto es un asalto!", a child repeated, loud enough to attract attention
"What's he saying?!?", one kid asked. The class know-it-all pulled out a Spanish book. "Hm.. oh dear. This is a robbery.", he translated. The victim of the "asalto" was frantically reaching through his pockets. "H-How much do you want?!?", he managed to sputter out. After a second of thinking the rather fat child opened his mouth and said...

"I don't know, I never thought I'd get this far. But whatever, ten dollars, or you'll have a nice impromptu meeting with Mister Fist and his friend, Mister Knuckles."

Sardonyx and Connie were just laughing and having a good time when in the distance they heard the "Esto es un asalto!". Connie gasped. "Oh no, not again..."

"Again? So this has been happening more than once?"

"Yeah. Ever since this morning, he seems to have been bullying everyone. He even made fun of the fact that I wear glasses. Isn't that just plain rude?", she said to Sardonyx. She looked into the playground and saw where the incident was taking place. Suddenly, an angry look formed on her face as the giantess stood up and stormed over to the playground. Everybody on the grass was amazed and curious to see a 20-foot woman about to take on a bully.

She kneeled down, softly separating the two. She held the rude boy in one hand and the victim in the other. "Now then, I believe you have something that belongs to this boy?" Sardonyx said to the child. Whimpering of fright like a cow staring at an oncoming train, he handed the victim back his ten dollars. "There's no need to be afraid dear. I'm of no harm to you."

When he handed back his money, she let both of them stand on one of her hands. "And what else do you say, dear?", Sardonyx asked in a calm voice. The child looked at his past-victim and said in a squeaky voice, "I-I'm sorry...". Sardonyx set him down. "Now run along and do whatever it is that children your age do.", the triangular-haired woman told him.

He ran off inside to the principal, to admit what he had done. Sardonyx then carefully put the victim down onto the grass. "Are you alright, darling?", she asked him. Luckily upon examination, he was okay.

She stood up. "Alright everyone. Just let this be a lesson for all of you. Bullying is never OK. I know from experience."

Connie smiled. "Wow Steven, she really is a good person."

"Yeah. I guess on the inside, she's just as normal as any of us."

Connie turned to him, smiling. "So, how did you meet her anyways?" He looked at Sardonyx as she insured that everybody was okay. "Well, it's a long story. I'll tell you on the phone tonight."

But her story was just beginning.

As the principal stepped out of her office, it became apparent she intended to find out about the strange giant woman. She had not punished Gerald, only because it was the start of the year.

"This is strange. First Steven mentions a giant woman dropping him off at school... now this. I'm starting to think this whole giant is real..."

"No, it can't be. It's just a child's imagination."

The students all were amazed by Sardonyx, when suddenly...

"What's going on out he-"

She gasped.

Sardonyx gasped too. "Oh my..." She was...


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