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Steven went to the library to study more about the rock Connie told him about. Rothaboldus. He walked to the endless sea of books and looked alphabetically. P... Q... R... R-A... R-B...

After a minute of looking, he found it.

Rothaboldus: Radioactive Rock

Steven opened to page one.

Known for a bright green glow, Rothaboldus is a rare material, that forms deep in outer space. The radiation inside can immediately kill a human, by the gamma radiation entering the brain and causing a shutdown to all major organs. However, some scientists speculate that there may be some humans or animals that may be immune to this fate.

Realizing that Sardonyx's growth is very rare and special, he put the book back and ran straight home.

"Sardonyx! I found out abou-", Steven said as he ran into the backyard. He noticed that Sardonyx was missing. "Sardonyx?", Steven called out. Sardonyx poked her head through the woods. "Steven... I need your assistance for a moment.", Sardonyx whispered. Steven walked over and saw she was designing something with Connie. It was what appeared to be a large wedding dress and a pair of black dress shoes to match. The boy looked up at her. "What are you doing?"

She revealed a diamond ring. "You're going to propose to her?", he immediately asked. Sardonyx chuckled. "Of course! After all, it does seem like we're a great couple.", she explained just finishing up on some details. "Besides, it looks cute, right?", Sardonyx asked showing him the finished product. Steven marveled at it. "Of course! It's your style!", he replied. Connie tossed Steven a tuxedo. "Remember, you're the priest.", Connie reminded him. "Yes, it's very important to read over your lines while I'm gone.", Sardonyx explained. Connie looked up to the giantess.

"You can do it, I know you can. Don't let size stop you.", Connie said motivating Sardonyx. Sardonyx stood up and walked to Sabina's house.

Sabina was on her front porch drinking her usually evening coffee. The porch was covered by a large shadow. "Hello darling.", a voice greeted. Sabina looked up to see Sardonyx kneeling down, holding a small bouquet of flowers in her fingers. The giantess focused on Sabina and handed her the flowers. "Oh, thanks! Lilies are-"

"Your favorite."

She giggled, walking inside to put them in a vase, leaving the door open so she could talk to Sardonyx. "How did you know?", Sabina asked. "Oh, just a guess."

"Anyways, what's the occasion?"

Sardonyx felt a lump in her throat. "Well darling, see, there's something I wanted to ask.", she stated, rather quickly. Sabina looked up at her girlfriend. "What is it?", Sabina wondered.

Sardonyx blushed. "I..." She looked at her. "I wanted to see if..." was all Sardonyx was able to utter before she was hit by a water balloon. Rubbing the back of her head, Sardonyx turned to see who it was.

It was the boy from the talent show!

Her rage levels increased. Her eyes turned red again. Sabina tried to calm Sardonyx as she stormed over to Ronaldo, furious. "And just what gives you permission to assault a girl like me!", Sardonyx yelled. Sabina was also angry at Ronaldo. But still, she held Sardonyx's hand, since she seemed concerned about her anger. Well, one of them anyway. "Sardonyx is right. Although she seems angrier than usual and I am worried about her well-being, I still think you shouldn't have done that.", Sabina told the person in the Hawaiian shirt as she calmed Sardonyx. Or at least tried to.

Ronaldo stared at the large being in front of him in disbelief. "Well who cares about you? Definitely not your parents. Oh wait, they're dead.", Ronaldo joked.

Sabina looked up at Sardonyx, who at this point was beginning to cry. "Y-You did this..."

Suddenly, Sardonyx grabbed Ronaldo and threw him into the woods, before falling to her knees and crying. Sabina was in absolute shock. "...Sardonyx?"

Sardonyx's eyes turned normal. "Oh... oh no... I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-", Sardonyx tried to utter before Sabina spoke. "This just has to be linked to your radiation. We need to settle your rage. I know that you're upset about him making fun of your parents...", she said, holding her hand. "But... if you need help, I'll be here.", Sabina continued, hugging Sardonyx. "Now, what was it you wanted to ask?"

"I was wondering Sabina, if you perhaps would like to spend the evening together?" She nodded.

The two went to the beach to watch the sunset after having a nice meal.

Sardonyx was laying down, watching the orange sky, while the smaller woman sat next to her. Sardonyx wanted to tell her, she just had to. But she couldn't find the words to.

She mustered up the courage and took a deep breath.


Sabina looked up to her giantess girlfriend.


No turning back now, she thought. Sardonyx picked up Sabina gently, looking at her. "I know this may sound a bit... peculiar. But I've been thinking of asking this for a while."

"Sardonyx, I knew from the minute I met you if we were going to have a relationship, to get used to all the weird things that could happen, so don't worry about asking a weird question."

She took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes, slowly revealing the diamond ring.

"...Will you marry me...?"

The girl in her hand gasped. "Y-You're serious?", Sabina asked. Sardonyx shed a tear. "Yes, I'm serious... I'm sorry for asking such a ridiculous question... it wouldn't hurt me if you said no really. Besides, how would our marriage work if I can't even fit in our house, or do other human sized things?"

Sabina's face lit up with blush. She looked up at her. "It's okay to feel this way. At least... I think. I've never exactly been a giant woman before, but... if I were, I'd just take it one step at a time. Sure, you might have difficulties getting into my house or holding a job, but I'm sure we'll make this work out after I marry you."

"Oh? So does that mean-" Sabina leapt into Sardonyx's arms, tightly hugging her. "Yes!", she cheered, smiling and beginning to cry tears of joy.

Sardonyx blushed and embraced the hug, both of them with a full smile.

Sardonyx stood up. "Well, I don't want to have our wedding too far from home, so I suppose it could be in Steven's backyard."

"Yeah, and we don't want to go too expensive for the catering."

"I'm sure that Steven's mother wouldn't mind having her restaurant prepare dinner for the reception."

A few minutes later, after discussing the details, they made arrangements. "Well it's booked, and it's tomorrow. Hope you could maybe arrange a day off school?", Sardonyx asked as she walked home. "Of course babe. Well, I'll see you later. I have to notify the parents."

A good day was before them. Or so they thought.

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