Death Has A Shadow

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There are two sides. Life, and death. Everybody goes through both at some point. It may be hard to say goodbye to a loved one, but you can always have a shoulder to cry on with a friend.

The day after Halloween, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Steven made a few videos, and Amethyst relaxed with Sardonyx. Sabina watched over her school as it began the reconstruction, and Sardonyx helped construct a little too. All she did was put down the flagpole, but it was a pretty big job.

The following afternoon, the phone rang. I'll get it.", Steven said as he walked to the hallway to answer the phone. "Hello?", he asked as he picked it up. "Yeah, this is him.", Steven answered. "Yeah. Yeah I know her." The mood of the call changed drastically. "What? Oh no... when is it? ...Tomorrow morning?... Okay, I'll talk to her... thanks." After he finished the conversation, Steven hung up and looked out the window. Sardonyx was currently smiling, watering her garden.

Oh no, she's happy... this is gonna hurt even more for her, he thought.

Steven walked outside and up to Sardonyx. This would be hard to do...

"Uh... Sardonyx, I need your attention for a minute.", Steven said. Sardonyx turned away from the garden and towards Steven. "What is it?", she asked. Steven looked up at her. "So... remember when you said your parents were coming?"

"Why, of course. They said they were coming today. I'm preparing the backyard for them. And before that, I have that date with Sabina, I have to harvest the vegetables for the salad tonight, and... oh, I need you to head to the store and bring some seltzer water."

Steven sweated, watching her dust some dirt off her shorts. "Uh... about that... I got a call from the hospital.", he continued. Sardonyx's smile went down a bit. "Oh dear, what happened?", she asked. The boy looked up at the woman. "Your parents got shot by some bandits...", he said, looking at her. Sardonyx gasped. "Oh no... are they ok?", she continued to ask. Steven felt a lump in his throat. "N-No..."

Sardonyx held Steven, with tears beginning to fill her eyes. "Please... tell me you're joking! This has to be a five month early April Fools joke! It has to be that! This can't be real, it's all just a big misunderstanding!"

"I'm sorry..."

They died...

Sardonyx was at a loss for words. For a whole minute, she was in total silence due to the sorrow. Steven looked up to her. Looking up, the boy heard the giantess try and fight back tears, sniffling.


After about three seconds of silence, Sardonyx wailed out a river of tears. Just as this was happening, if by coincidence, it started to get very cloudy.

Steven wanted to try and talk, but he understood she needed a few hours alone.

"It's gonna be ok... I'll be inside if you need me.", Steven whispered, hugging her. After that she set him down, and Steven walked inside, leaving Sardonyx alone.

Sardonyx sat outside in the backyard all day, crying, staring at the photo of her and her parents, the day she left for America, the final moments she spent physically with them, before she left.

Steven heard the doorbell ring. He went to answer it. It was Sabina with some tulips. "Hey, is Sard ready for our date?", she asked. Steven pointed in the direction of the backyard.

"Actually, no. See, she's kinda upset. Her parents died today..." Sabina gasped. "Oh, that's terrible! I'll see if she's ok-", Sabina said before Steven blocked her. "Sorry, I don't think you should... she seems really sad.", he requested. Sabina walked past him and to Sardonyx.

"Hey...", Sabina said as she walked into the backyard. Focusing her full attention on Sardonyx, she walked over, sitting down. "I heard what happened... it's gonna be okay.", the pink-haired woman said as she held onto Sardonyx's hand, reassuring her. "I understand if you don't want to have our date today... I can reschedule if you want." Sardonyx looked at Sabina. "Y-Yes. I need today alone.", she said. Sabina nodded, walking out of the yard.

That night, Steven began to get ready for bed, when there was a ring at his door. It was Connie. "Hey, I heard what happened... I wanted to say that I'm working on a suit for tomorrow...", Connie said. Steven and Connie shared a hug. "I just want her to be okay..."

Sardonyx was preparing for bed, watching the moon. "Hey, you okay?", Steven asked as he sat down. Sardonyx looked over. "I'm fine. Still a little sad, but not as much as earlier.", Sardonyx began.

"You know that it's still going to be hard to move on from them, but I'll have you by my side, right?" The two lay down on the grass. "Yeah. And I just want you to be happy. Because I just love that personality of yours. Steven said holding one of her hands. "I'm going in, good night."

Sardonyx placed Steven in his bedroom through his window.

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