Back To "Normal"

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As a reminder, no matter what we look like, we are who we are, not what. Sardonyx thought it would be a great idea to shrink back to normal, or what she perceived as normal. Anything is normal, just picture it.



"Yes. I finally get to experience the world like I once did... I guess they removed the radioactive materials.", she explained. She seemed much different. Other than being smaller, she only had two eyes and arms, and her skin and hair were normal. "I'll admit, you look kinda cute... but really different."

"This is amazing, but at the same time, kinda weird

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"This is amazing, but at the same time, kinda weird.", Steven said walking over to her. "I'm just so used to having to ask you to kneel down, just to be at eye level."

Sardonyx looked at Steven, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Now then, forget about my alternate size, all those extra appendages, everything that made me different from what I am now."

"I'm a new person now."

Steven chuckled. "Okay then, so what do you want to do now that you're human-sized?", Sabina asked her smaller wife. "Hm... what to do..." Suddenly, Steven saw his Aunt Blue. "Auntie Blue!", Steven called out as he ran over. Blue hugged him. "Oh sweet pea, it's been so long since I've seen you... these are your new friends, right?" Steven walked over to his friends with Blue. "Yup. This is my principal Sabina, and that is Sardonyx."

Blue looked at Sard, carefully taking measurements. "Five foot ten, eye color black, brown hair... lack of footwear... hm, you seem to have the makings of a great movie star, Sardonyx.", Blue complimented. Sardonyx blushed. "Oh! T-Thank you... just out of curiosity-", Sardonyx tried to ask, before she whipped out a director's megaphone. "Yup. We should probably get you ready for the screen."

Sardonyx smiled. "Could that also include a new outfit? This one's a bit..." She looked down and saw that she had been wearing the same clothes for the last three years. "...revealing. They're also quite cold..."

They got into Blue's limo and began their way to her studio. Sabina carries Sardonyx into it, as a way to make her feel slightly happier. Steven saw that Sardonyx was nervous. "I know how it feels to appear on TV... I helped her out once, as her assistant.", Steven told her. "No, it's not that.", Sardonyx replied, staring out the window. "I sort of... I'm afraid that I might accidentally have one of my rages..." Sabina scooted over and held her hand. "Sard, it was most likely linked to the transformation. You're smaller now, you probably won't have that kind of problem.", she explained. Sardonyx sighed, smiling a little. "Well, if you insist..." Blue tossed them a TV remote, and pointed to the TV on the back of her driver's seat. "Anything you want.", she said. Sardonyx looked to Steven. "I'll let you choose... after all, you're my friend. Friends first..."

After about thirty minutes, they arrived. Sardonyx tried to walk to the doors and fell, landing on the sidewalk. "Oh! Are you okay?", Sabina asked as she helped her up. Sardonyx was currently looking at her. Her legs were shaking from presumably being unused to her size. "Oh my, I don't understand.. I was walking like this my whole life... I don't know why I'm terrible at it now..."

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